Vote “Yes on April 2”

Explanation as to why these constitutional changes are on the ballot.  Governor Evers twice vetoed bills that had been put before him on these issues, so, the only way around this Governor was to place these referendums on the ballot. Many people have worked very hard to stop the influence of outside billionaires from taking control of our elections. WVA was probably the most vocal as we had the shining example in Green Bay as to how elections can quickly get out of control when outside money (Zuckerbucks) is allowed into the process. Wisconsin statutes clearly outline that “elected officials” are to run our elections, period, end of story. So your “YES” vote on these two referendums are extremely important. They appear on the backside of the ballot, so make sure you don’t miss them.


These are the Referendum Questions
Question 1 – VOTE YES

Prohibits any level of government in the state from applying or accepting non-governmental funds or equipment for election administration. A “yes” vote on this referendum would amend the Wisconsin Constitution to essentially stop “Zuckerbucks” from influencing our election administration here in Wisconsin.

Question 2 – VOTE YES

Provides that only election officials designated by law may administer elections.  A “yes” vote on this question will amend the Wisconsin Constitution to make clear that only election officials designated by law may administer elections.  Again, this is an effort to stop Zuckerberg & Co. from embedding non-governmental officials in our election administration and operations.




UW Parkside

So, here is how important this case is to us. As you know, Wisconsin’s elections are typically won with 20,000 to 25,000 votes. The U of W system alone have 162,000 students and they not only turn out for elections, but they vote at nearly a 69% level for democrats (based on 2022 data).  That equates to 77,000 democrat votes for the left from the student body of the U of W alone.  That is not counting the other colleges and universities in the state.  And there are left-leaning 501C3s controlling all that activity on all our campuses across the state utilizing our tax paid facilities and employees.


WVA filed a HAVA complaint with WEC concerning the voter registration and GOTV activities that are taking place on the campus of the UW Parkside. When we submitted that complaint, we requested that we receive an administrative hearing in which we could present our case. That does not happen with WEC simply rendering their ruling.


We had our first planning hearing with the Administrative Judge. In that hearing we were granted discovery and now we are in the process of developing our list of people we will deposition or otherwise interview. The elections activities being carried out at UW Parkside and quite frankly every other U of W campus are in violation of 52 USC 21083. There are 10 individual left-leaning and left-funded 501C3 organizations operating on the UW Parkside campus.


Depositions are expensive, for example, the average cost of a deposition is about $700 -$1,000 so if we need to deposition a number of people you can see where that adds up quickly.  And, that doesn’t consider any travel expenses were we compelled to travel to take a deposition.


Wisconsin Supreme Court  – Adjudicated Incompetent

As you may recall from previous emails, WVA has been working to hold Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) responsible for properly maintaining WisVote with regard to ineligible adjudicated individuals. In 2022, we proved, and it has been verified by Dane County officials that adjudicated incompetents have been voting in Wisconsin elections.  Our work indicates we could have 16,000 – 20,000 votes in every election being cast by people who have lost their voting privileges through the adjudication process simply because WEC is not entering the data they have received from WI County Registers in Probate.

I have written about this issue many times over the past 18 months as it has worked it way through the court system. Here is a quick recap.  We filed suit in 14 counties as for us to prove beyond a shadow of doubt our allegations that WEC is not entering the data received from Registers in Probate, we need the actual numbers and names of those individuals who have been adjudicated.  One after another circuit courts in these 14 counties denied our request for data. After the last county, that being Walworth denied our request, we appealed the ruling and the District II Court of Appeals ruled in our favor. Walworth County Register in Probate then appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and the WI Supreme Court has agreed to hearing this case.  We’ll see, we are entitled to the information.


Governor Evers Vetos AB572

Attached is a copy of Governor Evers veto of AB572 which is the bill WVA was able to have passed by the legislators. This dealt with the idea of nursing homes being required to notify the residents designated contact of voting that would be occurring at their facility. The left wants that door open for access to the vulnerable voting sector including those adjudicated incompetent. I want to thank Assemblyman Joel Kitchens and all those legislators who worked on getting this bill to the Governors desk.


$1.5 Million CTCL Madison Grant now spent – updated Mar 22, 2024

The City of Madison received a U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence $1.5M grant. This, once again with CTCL handling that grant to the city.  As of December 27th Madison had received $500k of that grant and none of that money had yet been spent. On Mar 22, I received an update from the City of Madison accounting department that, indeed, they had received the balance of $1,000,000 on December 28.  So, the City of Madison received the entire $1,500,000 in 2023.

I also learned that in a Jan 18, 2024 City Council meeting, $279,608 had been allocated in Resolution 24-00068 for the purchase of Election Security carts, the company being EZ Carts. Here is the verbiage of the actual resolution that was passed on Jan 18,2024.

To authorize the noncompetitive purchase of goods from Printelect as a sole source provider of election security carts for the City Clerk’s Office. Sponsors: Jael Currie, John W. Duncan, Derek Field, Sabrina V. Madison And Michael E. Verveer City of Madison WI cart quote EZ Cart 3000.pdf PrintElect – Non-Competitive Selection Request – CC Approval Required January 20pdf Attachments: Legislative History 1/5/24 Clerk’s Office Referred for Introduction. I have also attached a PDF that was used during that meeting describing the EZ Cart product.

A second resolution was passed on Jan 18th allocating $1,040,720 for the purchase of an end-to-end absentee ballot system.  That resolution is here;

Authorizing the payment of goods from DMT Solutions Global Corporation dba Bluecrest on a cooperative contract of an automated absentee ballot mailing system for the City Clerk’s Office prior to the delivery of all goods. Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Derek Field, Sabrina V. Madison, John W. Duncan, Marsha A. Rummel, Jael Currie And Michael E. Verveer proposal Attachments: Legislative History 12/26/23 Clerk’s Office Referred for Introduction Finance Committee (1/16/24), Common Council (1/23/24) 1/9/24 COMMON COUNCIL Refer to the FINANCE COMMITTEE 1/16/24 FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT – REPORT OF OFFICER.  A PDF from NASPO is attached.

In summation, $1,320,328 of the $1.5M has been allocated to be spent, leaving a balance of $179,672 to yet be allocated or spent.