
Video/Audio Files

February 27, 2024


Tyranny in City of Green Bay Pushed Back

Friday, Jan 26, 2024, Brown County Wisconsin, Circuit Court Judge Tammy Jo Hock handed the city of Green Bay, specifically clerk Celestine Jeffreys a huge loss. The winner was Janet Angus and all those folks who have invested time and effort into election integrity. Judge Hock In her summation indicated the actions taken by Clerk Jeffreys against Ms. Angus were, in her belief, “Retaliatory in Nature”.

Leading up to this Jan 26 de novo trail, Celestine Jeffreys had accused Janet Angus of being disorderly when on April 5th, 2022, Janet Angus had witnessed clerk Jeffreys accepting more than one absentee ballot from a voter.  Janet, an attorney herself, knew this was not lawful and told Jeffreys her actions were unlawful. Angus did this in a conversational tone of voice, she did not yell, scream, use profanity or otherwise cause any disturbance.  She simply called clerk Jeffreys out for doing something illegal.

Subsequently, Angus was charged by the city of Green Bay with disorderly conduct, was tried and found guilty in the municipal court of Green Bay and was convicted for statutory disorderly conduct.

Ms. Angus spent thousands in legal fees in her defense in municipal court and reached out to Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA) for advice and support. After review, WVA agreed to fund bringing WVA lawyer Erick Kaardal into the defense team for Angus. It seemed clear at that point clerk Jeffreys was retaliating against Angus.

Kudos to attorneys Lee Schuchart and Erick Kaardal who represented Ms. Angus and dismantled the case made by clerk Jeffreys and city Attorney Mathes.

Immediately following the plaintiff’s testimony, Judge Hock granted a motion for directed verdict. This meant the Judge had already concluded that the City of Green Bay had not met the burden to prove Ms. Angus had done anything wrong.

Judge Hock ruled in favor of Ms. Angus and also indicated it was her belief that Jeffreys and the city’s case against Ms. Angus was “Retaliatory in Nature”.

Attorney Erick Kaardal commented “The Brown County Circuit Court directed verdict is a learning moment.  Nationwide, the progressives are using prosecution and litigation for political objectives, to cancel election integrity, and to shut up political opponents.  They call it “lawfare”. But, it is Tyranny, really.  In response to Green Bay’s tyranny, Ms. Angus, WVA and others had the courage to fight backAnd we won!  Nationwide, we must combat this tyranny in the same, good way, as we did in Green Bay”.

Ron Heuer, President of Wisconsin Voter Alliance said “This isn’t over, I have a suspicion the City of Green Bay will be facing a suit to compensate the legal expenses for Ms. Angus and more than likely there will be other compensations made as a result of Jeffreys attempt to retaliate against someone for holding her accountable. The City of Green Bay would be doing themselves a favor if she were removed from their employment”.

For further information:

Ron Heuer, President, Wisconsin Voter Alliance,  920-255-4260

October 29, 2022
Nationwide Information on Drop Box Changes

With the help of Thomas More Society attorney Erick Kaardal, the Wisconsin Voter Alliance has managed to get drop boxes removed statewide. The Center for Public Integrity recently released an article that gives a broad overview of the status of drop boxes in other states. The article can be found here and along with information from other states it also mentions the work of the Wisconsin Voter Alliance.

October 10, 2022
Election Integrity Updates in the Midwest

In Wisconsin, Waukesha County Circuit Judge Brad Schimel granted a temporary injunction banning the action of clerks returning completed ballots to electors wishing to make a change to their ballot. This practice has been supported by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) even though it is directly contrary to state law. You can read the story using the following link.

In Minnesota, an election integrity group named Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has filed six new lawsuits concerning duplicate voter registrations. The article also addresses that the group has found over 3.1 million voter registration in New York to be illegal, because they are missing personal identifier information that is required by the Help America Vote Act in order to register. Please see that article using the following link.

September 15, 2022
Conservative Law Firm Sues Wisconsin Elections Commission Over Voter Registration Form

Today a new lawsuit was filed against the Wisconsin Elections Commission. The lawsuit alleges that the current registration form used fails to ask if the applicant is a convicted felon which is required under National Law. You can read more about the lawsuit Here.

January, 2022
Janel Brandtjen addresses the Illegal Grant Money with Attorney Erick Kaardal

This is a very short video addressing the illegalities of private grants in the 2022 election. This video is very informative on actions that should be taken in the future. You can watch the video Here.

HAVA Complaint Materials

September 8, 2022
Press Coverage of Erick Kardaal’s Brief of the Wisconsin Voter Alliance HAVA Complaint

The Federalist Newspaper published an excellent article discussing our HAVA complaint. You can view the article here.

You can also view the article published by the Thomas More Society here. This article goes into further detail on how the Wisconsin Election Commission has broken election law.

March 21, 2022
Complainants Discuss Drop Box Complain Against the City of Milwaukee

Thomas More Society attorney Erick Kardaal appears in front of the Milwaukee County Court House with retired Brown County Clerk Sandy Juno and five complainants to describe the complaint against the City of Milwaukee and discuss the Center for Tech and Civic Life Grants.

March 9, 2022
10 Subject Areas of Election Officials’ Legal Violations in the 2020 Election

Thomas More Society attorney Erick Kaardal produced this PowerPoint presentation on March 9, 2022: Election Integrity Projects


March 6, 2022
Press Conference at Wisconsin State Capitol

Following Justice Michael Gableman’s presentation, Wisconsin Voter Alliance and Thomas More Society held a press conference at the state capitol. You can view that press conference here: Wisconsin Voter Alliance and Thomas More Society Press Conference.  On March 2 Ron Heuer was invited to appear on the Real Americas Voice, and that interview can be viewed here: Real America’s Voice News.

February 20, 2022
Nursing Home Voting Fraud

The Wisconsin Elections Commission had not dispatched special voting deputies into nursing homes for the 2020 election, and a great deal of malfeasance occurred. In December 2021, we worked with families across the state who had a parent in a nursing home who voted in the November 2020 election. We videotaped interviews in eight nursing homes, and the results are rather shocking. In 93 nursing homes that we investigated, we found 99% of the registered voters voted, even though they had already lost their mental capacity to do so. Nursing Home Fraud Video

November 18, 2021
Erick Kaardal on Regular Joe Shoe

Thomas More Society attorney Erick Kaardal appeared on the Regular Joe Show:

August 26, 2021
Racine Press Conference

Here is a video of the Racine Press Conference held on August 26, 2021

December 11, 2020
Phil Kline Testimony before Joint Committee on Campaigns and Elections

Phil Kline, director of the Amistad Project (a project of the Thomas More Society), provided compelling testimony at the Wisconsin Joint Committee on Campaigns and Elections. Mr. Kline’s testimony begins at 2:31 on this video: Testimony before Joint Committee on Campaigns and Elections. His testimony was the best of the day, without a doubt.

All of the testimony delivered that day was interesting, and what makes your stomach turn just a little is how the Democrat contingency, who largely walked out of the hearing, conducted themselves. Those Democrats who walked out of the meeting show the contempt they have for the voters of Wisconsin. Should they not share our desire for integrity in the election system?

December 2, 2020
Amistad Press Conference

Here is a YouTube video of the December 2 Amistad press conference concerning whistleblowers who were brave enough to come forward and testify on absentee voting irregularities. These whistleblowers have sworn to this testimony and are quite credible. This is indeed damming information concerning our election system.

November 27, 2020
Patrick Byrne on the Deep Rig

More work is being done daily to prove this election was fraudulent. There are just too many irregularities that occurred with this election to look the other way. Here is Patrick Byrne, a Libertarian, explaining the research he and a team of computer security experts have done and what they found: OAN Video: Founder of on Dominion Voting Machines