WVA Receives Supreme Court Decision
We received the long-awaited Wisconsin Supreme Court decision on our suit to gain access to the adjudicated incompetent data Friday, Jan 17. As expected, the liberal WI Supreme court ruled as we anticipated 4 -2 against us. Justice Protasiewicz delivered the majority opinion and our Justice Hagedorn filed a concurring opinion which in effect provides a 5 – 2 decision.
You can read the attached Supreme Court decision here Supreme Court Decision here.

WVA Post Election Message
Early morning Nov 6th, 2024, was a special moment to celebrate. Having followed the election events on the eve of the 5th and witnessing the exhilarating President Trump performance it was impossible for me to sleep, so I stayed up pretty much all night to witness the Trump win.

Biden Executive Order 14019 Takes Away Legislators’ Constitutional duty
Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA) and Michigan Fair Elections (MFE) file Brief of Amici Curie in support of Petitioners, 27 Pennsylvania state legislators (the “Keefer Legislators”)

March 24, 2024
Vote “Yes on April 2”
Explanation as to why these constitutional changes are on the ballot. Governor Evers twice vetoed bills that had been put before him on these issues, so, the only way around this Governor was to place these referendums on the ballot. Many people have worked very hard to stop the influence of outside billionaires from taking control of our elections. WVA was probably the most vocal as we had the shining example in Green Bay as to how elections can quickly get out of control when outside money (Zuckerbucks) is allowed into the process. Wisconsin statutes clearly outline that “elected officials” are to run our elections, period, end of story. So your “YES” vote on these two referendums are extremely important. They appear on the backside of the ballot, so make sure you don’t miss them.

March 13, 2024
UW Parkside Case Update
Last week in my update concerning our UW-Parkside filing I indicated that WEC did honor, for the first time, our Parkside case to be heard by an Administrative Judge. The initial hearing did occur from 1Pm – 3PM on (attached here Ron Heuer Declaration) Thursday, March 7th with Administrative Law Judge Erick D. Defort presiding.

February 27, 2024
University of Wisconsin Parkside Complaint Update
On Friday, Feb 23rd, the WVA responded to WEC concerning the HAVA complaint we had filed in early January. To refresh your memory, this complaint deals with U of W Parkside being involved in unlawful voter registration and GOTV activities on campus. That complaint filing can be viewed here. HAVA (Help America Vote Act) complaint against the U of W Parkside.

Tyranny in City of Green Bay Pushed Back
Jan 26, 2024, Brown County Wisconsin, Circuit Court Judge Tammy Jo Hock handed the city of Green Bay, specifically the tyrannical clerk Celestine Jeffreys a huge loss today. The winner was Janet Angus and all those folks who have invested time and effort into election integrity.

January 10, 2024
Voteabago is Sidelined!
Yesterday Racine County Circuit Court Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz ruled that the Wisconsin Election’s Commission Nov 4, 2022 ruling signed by none other than Meagan Wolfe was illegal. In that WEC ruling, WEC sided with Racine Clerk Tara McMenamin allowing Racine to deploy a mobile voting van in predominantly Democrat neighborhoods. See ruling here

January 2, 2024
U of W Parkside Out of Bounds
In a previous email I had indicated we were engaged in investigations concerning the University of Wisconsin being involved in unlawful voter registration and GOTV activities. Low and behold, we found evidence the U of W to be operating outside the HAVA (Help America Vote Act) rules. So we did the right thing today in filing a HAVA (Help America Vote Act) complaint against the U of W Parkside.