
Donate to Wisconsin Voter Alliance

Wisconsin Voter Alliance is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2022. Donations are tax-deductible. Our EIN is 87-2055625. Because we are relatively new, Charity Navigator has not yet given us a score.

Without a doubt the 2024 Presidential election cycle is going to be a bumpy ride and Wisconsin, being the swing state it is will be hotly contested. Although we have made headway, we have a long way to go to further tighten up our voting system to further eliminate fraud and cheating.

We rely entirely on the charitable contributions of supporters like you. Your gift will help support the following projects going forward. We have two major lawsuits we will be filing as soon as resources permit. One is ridding Wisconsin of the ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) system that is illegally sharing private driver data in violation of the Driver Privacy Protection Act to run a legally unauthorized government-sponsored voter registration drive in Wisconsin. The other is the University of Wisconsin system engaging in similar voter registration drives and, additionally, get-out-the-vote activities. And we must be prepared for the unexpected two or three election integrity issues that will appear during the 2024 election cycle.

Please give generously and encourage friends and family to do the same. Every gift, small or large, is sincerely appreciated and will be put to good use!


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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time