Archives 2023

December 27, 2023

What a way to end the Year!  WVA wins again!

This has been a very busy year for WVA and 2024 will, I am sure, prove to be even more daunting.

This District II Court of Appeal of Dec 27 (see it here) ruling in our favor is so rewarding. We’ve worked so hard and long on the issue of WVA having access to notices of Voter Eligibility in order to prove conclusively that WEC has not properly handled the adjudicated incompetents in the WisVote database.

In not doing their job, WEC has, according to our projections, allowed some 16,000 to 20,000 people to vote in multiple elections over the past years.  The fact is, we don’t know how long it has been going on, but we do know for sure it happened in 2020 and we have records to prove that.

We have been pursuing the adjudicated incompetent issue both in the courts and through the legislature. Now, it seems we may win in both arenas as the Assembly has already passed AB567 and the Senate will be voting on the SB685 both of which carry language that will change the way WEC will be required to handle the adjudicated incompetent data entries.

To give you an idea as to how much work goes into a case like this I have provided a link here to the 24 steps we have taken in the past 2 years to get these results. We would not have been able to do this work without your support and we look forward to your continued support as we plough forward into what is shaping up to be a very, very contentious election year.

November 15, 2023

Good afternoon,

Immediately after forming the Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA) in Sep 2020, we established a relationship with several organizations including Thomas More Society.  These organizations substantially funded our legal work in our efforts to correct several election irregularities we uncovered during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles.  We are grateful for their support.  However, in 2023, these organizations are not funding election integrity to the same level. Because of their decisions, we are now required to pursue funding from other sources to be similarly effective in the 2024 election cycle.

As I have reported, our work has led to election integrity successes. We have played a crucial role in working with the Legislature to have AJR 76AJR 77 and AJR 78 passed through both houses. These bills are referendums to the Wisconsin State Constitution and will appear on the April and November ballots in 2024.  Additionally, we’ve collaborated with the Legislature on AB 567, a bill that deals with Monday processing but also has whistleblower protections and fixes the problem of WEC not properly handling the issue of “adjudicated incompetent” voters. We have solid research data on this issue that shows upwards of 20,000 people across the state were likely voting and had no right to do so.

Wisconsin Voter Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2022. Donations are tax-deductible. Our EIN is 87-2055625. Because we are relatively new, Charity Navigator has not yet given us a score. As the President of WVA, I do not take a salary, nor do I get paid a consultant fee. I have been reimbursed for certain office expenses and mileage expenses when I am on WVA business.  I do have one person that is paid as a consultant who assists me with some of the associated administrative work. Other than those mentioned expenses, we will be using all donations for legal work, data mining and marketing efforts.

So, here it is.  I am asking you to donate to WVA.  Many of you have donated in the past, we appreciate all you have done to support our efforts. The WVA has delivered results, that is what it is all about, isn’t it?

Looking forward, we have two major lawsuits we will be filing as soon as resources permit. One is ridding Wisconsin of the ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) system that is illegally sharing private driver data in violation of the Driver Privacy Protection Act to run a legally unauthorized government-sponsored voter registration drive in Wisconsin. And the other is the University of Wisconsin system engaging in similar voter registration drives and, additionally, get-out-the-vote activities. And then, we must be prepared for the unexpected two or three election integrity issues that will appear during the 2024 election cycle.

November 9, 2023

Legislative Progress

I am happy to report that our work is paying off!  And we must thank our legislators for following through and delivering meaningful work in the election reform arena. Over the past couple of weeks, the Assembly and Senate have passed several election reform bills that will have significant impact in Wisconsin’s election process going forward.  And what is rewarding to the WVA is we have had a hand in influencing these actions.

As we are painfully aware, we have a Governor, an Attorney General and our WI Supreme Court that are left leaning and will do anything and everything to stack the deck in favor of the left winning elections. Knowing that most, if not all bills devised by our Assembly and Senate will not get past the Governor’s veto pen, the Legislature has taken a path past the Governor’s veto with three very important election referendums that will appear on our April 2 primary ballots in 2024.  These referendums are AJR 76, AJR 77 and AJR 78 (AJR=Assembly Joint Resolution). These resolutions attached have been voted on both in the Assembly and the Senate.

AJR 76 -deals with non-citizen voting – requires that only United States citizens aged 18 or older who is a resident of an election district in this state is a qualified elector of that district may vote in an election for national, state, or local office or at a statewide or local referendum.

AJR 77- deals with Zuckerbuck issues and outsiders running elections, as in Green Bay/ Milwaukee –  (1) No state agency or officer or employee in state government and no political subdivision of the state or officer or employee of a political subdivision may apply for, accept, expend, or use any moneys or equipment in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum if the moneys or equipment are donated or granted by an individual or nongovernmental entity. (2) No individual other than an election official designated by law may perform any task in the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum.

AJR 78 – deals with photo I.D. for voting-   (1) No qualified elector may cast a ballot in any election unless the elector presents valid photographic identification that verifies the elector’s identity and that is issued by this state, the federal government, a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state, or a college or university in this state. The legislature shall by law establish acceptable forms of photographic identification, and the legislature may by law establish exceptions to the requirement under this subsection. (2) A qualified elector who is unable to present valid photographic identification on election day shall be permitted to cast a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot may not be counted unless the elector presents valid photographic identification at a later time and place as provided by the legislature by law.

Now these 3 referendums will be on our ballots come spring and we’ll have to vote in favor of them to have our WI constitution changed.  I am concerned the left will bring in the big money guns like the New Venture Fund, a division of Arabella Advisors (they have $ billions) to run media campaigns against these referendums.  We will have to be aware of that and mount grass root campaigns to ensure these referendums pass.

There are a couple of other bills that have been passed that are significant, one is called the Monday Processing bill which allows central count cities like Milwaukee to begin processing absentee ballots on Monday.  The goal of this bill is to facilitate having election results finished in WI on Tuesday evening, not a day or two after the election.  This bill is not without controversy, however, as some believe there may be more cheating. There are safeguards, including penalties built into the bill to curb possible cheating. That bill also has a second part to it that requires WEC to fix their malfeasance regarding the timely handling of adjudicated incompetent data. WVA believes having WEC fix this issue will plug a hole where, we believe, in excess of 15,000 adjudicated incompetent voters have been left on the voting rolls with the ability to cast ballots.

And there is yet another bill that is working its way through that will require nursing homes to notify guardians of nursing home residents of the date and time when voting will occur in nursing homes. This is significant as in our investigations we found many vulnerable nursing home residents being manipulated to vote one way or another by third parties.

I personally want to thank Assemblyman Scott Krug, Chair of the Assembly Elections and Campaign Committee, Assemblyman Ron Tussler, Assemblyman Joel Kitchens and the members of both the Senate and Assembly Elections and Campaign Committees for all their hard work and negotiating to get these bills passed.

Other Point of Interest
Take the time to watch this interview of Elon Musk with Joe Rogan (It was on Oct 31, Holloween so Rogan looks a bit strange). I found Musk’s comments about Soros to be spot on.  The other highlight in my mind is how Musk describes the success of the left by their taking control of local elections where the value is so much greater than a presidential election.  Local election wins cost less money and yield greater control!

October 25, 2023


This morning, the WVA filed a civil rights complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief in United States District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin. The plaintiffs in this complaint are the Wisconsin Voter Alliance, Ron Heuer and Ken Brown, a WVA member residing in Racine. As much as we have filed HAVA complaints both in 2022 and 2023 and having the Wisconsin Election Commission simply denying us the right to a hearing, they left us no choice but to file this civil rights complaint. The Federal complaint can be seen here.

Coinciding with the filing, this morning we held an online seminar explaining all the details of what led up to this complaint and our Attorney Erick Kaardal explained the meaning of our complaint and what we hope to achieve from that complaint. You can watch the entire one-hour Webinar here.


On Tuesday morning, Oct 25th  I testified at the Joint Senate Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection and Assembly Campaigns and Elections Committees. My testimony was in support of AJR (Assembly Joint Resolution) 77 that is outlined as follows:


This constitutional amendment provides that no state agency or officer or employee in state government and no political subdivision of the state or officer or employee of a political subdivision may apply for, accept, expend, or use any moneys or equipment in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum if the money or equipment are donated or granted by an individual or nongovernmental entity. The constitutional amendment also prohibits any individual other than an election official designated by law from performing any task in the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum. did a live feed on this meeting, and click here view that testimony.  My testimony begins at the 39-minute mark and ends at 59.5 minutes. You will be asked to register for free access to WisEye, there is no obligation, no charge to do so.

I was the only election integrity person who was there to testify on the issue of Zuckerbucks and how insidious this is to not only our state, but to the entire country.

October 11, 2023

About Impeaching Meagan Wolfe

The Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA) has caught the Wisconsin Election Commission WEC issuing illegal guidance to the clerks across the state several times over the past few years.  The structure of the WEC commission, with 3 Dems and 3 GOP members as currently structured simply does not work.  They seldom, if ever, agree on anything.  It is in that given environment the WEC administrator, Meagan Wolfe is often left to respond to the 1,852 clerks with her own interpretations of statutes when answering questions or issuing directives.

Has Meagan Wolfe shown she is a partisan with some of her directives?  I believe the answer to that is clearly a “yes”.  However, could we prove beyond the shadow of a doubt she is corrupt or has committed a misdemeanor or felony in issuing these illegal directives?  The answer to that question is “no”.Here is the kicker.  When you focus on an individual directive issued by Administrator Wolfe such as the issue of Special Voting Deputies not being deployed, her fall back is, and will be “I only carried out the directives I received from the Commissioners.

This background is an extremely important point when it comes to the current discussion concerning the impeachment of Meagan Wolfe.  The WI Senate has recommended that the assembly commence an impeachment of Meagan Wolfe.  This is after the Senate voted 22 to 11 to remove her.  She refuses to leave and is still at her job.There has been criticism of assembly Leader Robin Vos who has, so far, chosen to not take an impeachment up in the assembly.  But I think it is important to understand why Leader Vos would take that stance.

The following is my interpretation, my logic, as to why this decision has been taken.In Wisconsin, removal of an official through impeachment is a two-step process: (1) the State Assembly votes to impeach; and (2) the State Senate tries the impeachment. In the Assembly it requires a simple majority vote and in the Senate a two-thirds majority must be attained.The assembly may only impeach when an elected official or civil officer of the state commits  corrupt conduct in office or has committed a crime or misdemeanor. [Wis. Const. art. VII, s. 1, and s. 17.06 (1), Stats.].  Unfortunately, so far, we do not have this with Meagan Wolfe so really, there do not seem to be grounds for impeachment.There are other complications in this case.  The Senate did their job in voting to remove Meagan Wolfe and at this time Wolfe is unlawfully occupying the office.

There is also the pending unresolved Attorney General lawsuit which was filed in September.  I have attached a Wisconsin Legislative Council memo titled Removal of Elected Officials: Recall, Impeachment, Expulsion and Removal that describes the various ways of removing elected officials and other state officials.  Join This Important Webinar Tomorrow The WVA is exploring our options on a DPPA suit going forward in an effort to curtail ERIC’s utilizing our voter information to run their GOTV activities.  Our Attorney Erick Kaardal will be filing suit tomorrow in Minnesota and will provide information in that will be helpful to us.  We invite you to register for this webinar!

Legislators and Citizens File Federal Lawsuit against Minnesota Secretary of State for Sharing Citizens’ Sensitive Personal Private Information. Lawsuit claims state violates federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act.

Minnesota citizens and lawmakers will announce a major federal lawsuit tomorrow (Thurs., Oct. 12) at 11:00 AM EST. You are cordially invited to attend the press conference via Zoom webinar (link below).

Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 12. Plaintiffs will join with Attorney Erick Kaardal, partner of Mohrman, Kaardal & Erickson, P.A., to host a webinar press conference to discuss the filing of a federal election-related lawsuit.

Erick Kaardal announced that the Minnesota Association for Government Accountability, including several of its individual members, Minnesota Senators Mark Koran and Cal Bahr, along with two minor plaintiffs have filed a complaint in federal court against Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon. The complaint alleges unauthorized disclosures of the plaintiffs’ private information. Specifically, the claim states that the Secretary’s disclosure of the plaintiffs’ private driver data to third-party organizations, such as the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), violates citizen rights under the 1994 Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (“DPPA”), 18 U.S.C. § 2721.

More information to follow. In the meantime, please mark your calendar and register in advance to attend the webinar.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Thurs., Oct 12, 2023, 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Press Conference Webinar

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

For restoring privacy to citizen data

October 3, 2023

Wisconsin Voter Alliance Files UOCAVA/HAVA WEC Complaint

Yesterday, Oct 2, the Wisconsin Voter Alliance filed a complaint against the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC).  This complaint deals with WEC not complying with Federal laws concerning UOCAVA (Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) and HAVA (Help America Voting Act) absentee voting registration.
In 2020, there were over 13,300 UOCAVA votes counted in Wisconsin. with over 50% of these being non-military.  Our WEC is not verifying who these people are, and since the 2016 election, the non-military numbers have grown exponentially.
Our complaint is quite simple, we are compelling WEC to follow the UOCAVA/HAVA regulations concerning registration verification.

September 28, 2023

WVA Supports LRB 4402

Overview of inception of LRB 4402

This week, Rep. Ron Tusler and Sen Cabral-Guevera introduced their sponsored LRB 4402.  (Find: LRB 4402 here   and Wisconsin Legislative Council memo here)

This bill, referred to as the Monday Processing bill establishes new parameters for counting absentee ballots. This Monday Processing bill, at this time, is being circulated for co-sponsors. We encourage you to read and support this bill. Take a minute and reach out to Sen Cabral-Guevera’s office (608-266-0718) and Rep Tusler’s office (608-237-9103) to let them know you appreciate their efforts as this bill addresses several issues regarding our Wisconsin elections.

LRB 4402 is primarily designed to eliminate the problem that has existed for years with Wisconsin not being able to finalize their ballot counting/tabulation on the election day. The primary culprit has been the city of Milwaukee.  With the number of absentee ballots increasing each election it is likely other municipalities may run into the same problem going forward.

Several months ago, the WVA was asked about this idea of having a Monday Processing for those municipalities utilizing central count.  Our immediate reaction was why can’t Milwaukee manage their election counting process better?  We also thought that providing another absentee ballot processing day, Monday, prior to election day would simply give culprits in cities like Milwaukee more time to perhaps find a way of introducing fake ballots into the system. Further we were concerned that if the results of the count on Monday were released either party could adjust their Tuesday campaigning activities accordingly.

WVA expressed our concerns on these matters to Rep Tusler and a punishment provision was added to the bill concerning the release of any Monday count information.  We (Erick Kaardal, WVA attorney and I) were good with that and we made recommendations as to what could be added to this bill to strengthen certain laws.

As you know, the WVA has been litigating for over a year now on the issue of Adjudicated Incompetent voters.  WEC has simply ignored this issue and the courts thus far have pushed this aside and have not yet provided us with a ruling. We have concrete evidence that shows somewhere between 15K and 20K people who have been adjudicated incompetent by the courts and have lost their voting rights are still able to vote because WEC is not entering them into the system.  LRB 4402 clarifies who is responsible for this and sets clear guidelines for WEC.

Given the crisis on our southern border, non-citizen voting is simply going to get worse, and WVA expressed our concerns on that issue as well as whistleblower protection, and election results reporting.

LRB 4402 further clarifies statutes concerning these areas which are sorely needed.

Further clarification and Core considerations of LRB 4402

  • Under this bill, clerks would be able to process (notcount—counting only happens when all ballots are processed after 8:00pm on Election Day) absentee ballots the day before the election.  A municipality utilizing a municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers (colloquially known as a “central count”) would be required to begin processing absentee ballots the day before spring and fall general elections. It would be optional for non “central count” municipalities. This bill also provides important safeguards for early processing of absentee ballots, including:

o   Specific safe-storage requirements for election materials used during “Monday Processing”.

o   If there is any evidence of tampering, the bill mandates a recount of those ballots and audits of the election equipment.

o   Keeping rules around tallying results the same. This bill makes it a felony if someone gets access to results prior to 8:00pm on Election Day.

o   Reporting the total number of absentees processed on Monday.

This bill also allows DOT, WEC, courts, and local clerks to work together on monitoring voter eligibility.

  • Currently, there are loose requirements on tracking voter ineligibility determinations by courts.  This bill would require that courts notify WEC, and by extension, local clerks when a voter is under a “no vote order” and deactivate the voter’s registration.
  • This bill would require DOT and WEC to cross-check voter eligibility from DOT’s database, specifically regarding citizenship.
  • There is also a provision in the bill that the courts must contact the commission if the voter indicates on a juror form that they are not a US citizen. The commission must remove the person from the registration list if the voter is, in fact, ineligible.

Lastly, this bill cleans up language around processes that, according to WEC, are not in use by any municipality. This includes getting rid of a process in chapter 5 around the counting of all ballots outside of polling places and absentee ballot canvassing boards.

With this section being titled “central count”, it has caused confusion among election officials and others alike—as the more colloquial “central count” surrounds the processing of absentee ballots in chapter 7.

August 30, 2023

Ron Heuer, President of WVA Testifies at Senate Committee Hearing Calling for Removal of Meagan Wolfe

Yesterday, Tuesday, August 29 I, along with about 25 other election integrity patriots from across Wisconsin testified in Madison at the Capitol in front of the Senate Committee Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection.

Purpose of this hearing was for the committee to hear from citizens as to why, or why not, Meagan Wolfe should or should not be reappointed as the Administrator of the Wisconsin Election Commissions (WEC).  Overwhelmingly, the testimony called for the Senate to terminate Wolfe and appoint a new WEC Administrator.  Below is a link to that entire meeting followed by my actual testimony copy.  (Also below, dated June 1, 2023 is the material I provided the Senate Committee. This is the same information I had mailed to clerks across the State.)

I commend Senator Knodl for his steady hand in controlling this meeting yesterday which could have quickly gotten out of control were it not for his calmness in handling the situations. Immediately upon calling the meeting to order, Democrat Sen Mark Spreitzer called out to Chairman Knodl to end the meeting because there is (according to the Dems) no vacancy for the position of WEC Administrator because Meagan Wolfe has not resigned, she is there, day to day performing the duties of Administrator.  I mention this because it appears the Dems are trying to use the Prehn case as a reference to keep Wolfe in her position.  I’ve written about the Prehn case in the past, he was a Gov Walker appointed member of the DNR board that refused to leave his position after his term was up and simply stayed on.  The supreme court upheld Prehn’s argument and he was able to stay on until he resigned a year and a half later.  I am being told by learned lawyers the two cases are not alike and Wolfe will be replace.  Let’s see.

Here is what is likely to happen over the next few weeks.  The Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection will, within the next week or so, take a vote on replacing Wolfe.  The Republicans will prevail, and then it will go to the full Senate for a vote.  I have good reason to believe the Senate WILL NOT vote in favor of Wolfe staying on and will exercise their authority and appoint a new interim WEC Administrator.   We’ll just have to wait and see what the Dems might try in the courts.
As things develop, I will let you know.

We are still awaiting court dates on our suits to have the registers in probate to turn over the information on adjudicated incompetent so we can hold WEC accountable.  After 15 Sep we will be filing another suit that will have far-reaching implications to the voting process here in WI, but likely across all states.


 Ron Heuer -Wisconsin Voter Alliance – Testimony – August 29, 2023

Good morning Chairman Knodl and Committee Members.  Thank you for allowing me to address your committee today.

My name is Ron Heuer, I am the President of the Wisconsin Voter Alliance, a 501C3 organization that I founded in September of 2020 to facilitate and coordinate restoration of voting integrity in the State of Wisconsin.  Since we were formed, we conducted many investigations regarding Wisconsin Election Process and have worked closely with the Thomas More Society regarding our litigation efforts.

I started the WVA primarily when I learned of both the illegal drop box deployment and the injection of millions of dollars of Zuckerbucks at municipal level that from my perspective was a pure and simple bribe money to influence the outcome of the election.  Those two issues were the tip of the iceberg, and the more I researched our entire voting process the more it became apparent that WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe’s illegal guidance to clerks was the cause.

WEC Administrator Wolfe needs to be fired, plain and simple. Government and government officials should be neutral as to elections. WEC Administrator Wolfe has not been neutral as she is a serial violator of Wisconsin law creating systemic election advantages and has failed to deter or stop others from violating Wisconsin law.

In June 2023 I compiled a list of outright illegal activities by Wolfe whether it was the illegal absentee ballot drop boxes, Special Voting Deputies not being deployed, absentee ballot curing, failure to maintain proper lists of incompetent voters or any of the 28 other failures managed by Wolfe, it is clear Ms. Wolfe is incapable of administering WEC. I have copies of that list I will leave with you today.

I have had over 40 years of senior management experience in running large travel companies and in the military.  If I, or one of my management team members had received any kind of review similar to the Legislative Audit Bureau 2020 Election Report, we would have been terminated.

The comprehensive LAB report points out failings of the WEC and highlights the lack of attention to WEC maintaining records, updating basic manuals, and non-compliance with established administrative rules. Clearly, the LAB report reveals the WEC is not being properly managed by Wolfe and as a result WEC is unable to fulfill its mission.

A good example of how ineffective Meagan Wolfe is illustrated by the example of how WEC is not keeping track of those adjudicated incompetent in WI.  In 2021 while investigating nursing home practices, we found abnormalities concerning the adjudicated incompetent voters.  Later, while reviewing the WisVote database that we had to pay $12,500 to get, we found only 802 people in the database that were listed as “incompetent/inactive”.  I then broke this down by county and sent a letter to each Register in Probate in the 72 counties along with the list of those people that were in the database.  From data provided us by various counties we soon were able to extrapolate the number of adjudicated incompetent in the database should be somewhere between 15K to 20K.

WEC is not maintaining the database, Registers in Probate are sending the reports to WEC, but WEC is not entering them into the system.  To make matters worse, WEC, with no authority changed the nomenclature of those people identified as “incompetent/inactive” to “administrative action/inactive” so it is now impossible for us to determine who, in the database, are incompetent.

In talking to election clerks across the state, many no longer call WEC when they have questions concerning elections. This is because when they do call WEC, they are told to consult with their county attorney on the question.  The WEC Administrator is responsible for creating this environment of distrust and therefore Ms. Wolfe should not be granted a second term as administrator.

June 1, 2023

Meagan Wolfe Must Not Be Renewed as Administrator of WEC

As you may or may not know, Meagan Wolfe’s appointment as Administrator of WEC is ending on Jun 30, 2023.

WVA is absolutely opposed to her being reappointed, however I have confirmed that we have at least one of our Republican appointed Commissioners that indicate they are voting in favor of keeping Wolfe on that job.

Regardless of how the Commissioners vote, the Legislature has the last say as to whom is going to be the WEC Administrator and signals from the Legislature indicate Meagan Wolfe will not be reappointed. (See Attached Process doc)

WVA will be working to do whatever we can do to ensure the Legislature and WEC Commissioners understand what a horrible job Meagan Wolfe has done.  She is clearly in over her head and must be replaced.

This is a very long read as Meagan has provided us so many instances of her ineptness in her role as Chief Elections Officer in the state of Wisconsin.

I would ask you to distribute the attached PDF’s far and wide.  WVA will keep you up to date as to the happenings surrounding this very important topic.

by Wisconsin Voter Alliance, June 1, 2023

Government and government officials should be neutral as to elections.  The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) Administrator, Meagan Wolfe has not been neutral because she is a serial violator of Wisconsin law creating systemic election advantages and has failed to deter or stop others from violating Wisconsin law.

Meagan Wolfe must not be reconfirmed for another term as the Administrator of WEC.  Ms. Wolfe is paid over $188,000 plus benefits and has failed the voters and taxpayers of Wisconsin in her role of Administrator of the WEC a nearly nine-million-dollar operation.

Ms. Wolfe is not just a serial violator of law, as is evidenced from the specific legal cases cited in this document (items numbered 1-28). She has clearly shown she is incapable of administering the WEC and providing guidance to the clerks, as, in addition to the legal cases cited in this report, the Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) issued a scathing report on the WEC’s and Wolfe’s dismal performance in Oct 2021.

This Legislative Audit Bureau 2020 Election Report (LAB) points out failings of the WEC and points to the lack of attention to WEC maintaining records, updating basic manuals, and non-compliance with established administrative rules. Clearly, the LAB report reveals the WEC is not being properly managed by Wolfe and as a result is unable to fulfill its mission.

An Administrator of a budgeted department of Wisconsin government is responsible for not only day to day operations, keeping lights on, doors open, and phones answered, but is responsible for the entire operation of that department to include plotting the direction of the organization, managing the staff, and ensuring the mission of the organization is met.  The Administrator is also responsible for providing guidance to the clerks.


Administrator Meagan Wolfe has failed time and time again to operate WEC’s activities within the boundaries of the law.  Administrator Wolfe has failed, time and time again to provide correct guidance to the clerks. This is clearly illustrated in the following list of twenty-eight illegal activities the Wisconsin Election Commission and clerks have been involved in from 2020 to the current date.

Completed court cases and legal processes:

  1. Absentee ballots drop box

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled on July 8, 2022, ruled that WEC guidance was in legal error because most ballot drop boxes aren’t allowed in the state and that a voter can’t have someone else return — in person — their completed absentee ballot on their behalf.

2-6.        Private Money in Election Administration (Cities of Racine, Kenosha, Green Bay, Madison,      and Milwaukee)

The Center for Tech and Civic Life paid approximately $250,000 to the 5 largest Wisconsin cities (Racine, Kenosha, Green Bay, Madison, and Milwaukee) for their absentee ballot drop boxes used in the 2020 and subsequent elections.  Litigation against the 5 cities commenced originally in 2021 and 2022.  After the July 8, 2022, decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court finding absentee ballot drop boxes illegal, these previously filed lawsuits by Thomas More Society and Wisconsin Voter Alliance against Racine, Kenosha, Green Bay, Madison, and Milwaukee were completed in court with the respective cities’ changing their respective policies of using privately funded absentee drop boxes.

  1. Special voting deputies not sent to nursing homes in 2020 election.

The Racine County sheriff issued a report on October 28, 2021, accusing the Wisconsin Elections Commission of breaking state law by barring poll workers from helping nursing home residents vote to limit the spread of COVID-19 but he has not recommended charges. Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling says he is instead asking Attorney General Josh Kaul to launch a statewide investigation.  No statewide investigation occurred. No charges were brought against WEC members.

  1. Absentee ballot curing

A Waukesha County Judge ruled on September 7, 2022, that WEC guidance was in legal error because clerks are not allowed to fill in missing information on absentee ballot witness certificates. Judge Michael Aprahamian sided with plaintiffs in their lawsuit against the Wisconsin Elections Commission, saying the agency had been “stubborn and unjustified” in its reliance on the guidance despite efforts by a state legislative committee to block it. “Wisconsin law does not authorize election officials to correct, modify, alter or add to an absentee ballot certification,” Aprahamian said.

  1. Absentee ballot spoliation rules

On October 28, 2022, the Wisconsin Elections Commission rescinded guidance used in 2016 and 2020 elections that allowed voters who already submitted absentee ballots to void them before election day and vote again.

The decision was spurred by an October 6, 2022, decision by Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Brad Schimel, a former Republican Wisconsin Attorney General. As part of a lawsuit, Schimel ruled voters who previously submitted absentee ballots could not switch their votes and ordered the commission to withdraw its August guidance.

The Court of Appeals issued an order in an emergency appeal.  “The court’s order does not change what is on the ballot,” the order states. “Nor does it prevent a single voter—Democrat, Republican, or otherwise—from casting a ballot in the upcoming election. Thus, claims of confusion and disenfranchisement ring hollow.”

  1. “Indefinitely confined” (Dane County)

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on March 31, 2020, granted Petitioner’s motion for a TRO ordering Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell to remove a Facebook post providing legally incorrect advice on the upcoming primary election, which had indicated that Wisconsin voters could designate themselves as “indefinitely confined” solely due to the Wisconsin Safer at Home order, thereby avoiding proof of ID when requesting an absentee ballot. The Court further ordered that Defendants clarify the Wisconsin Elections Commission guidance, and enjoined Defendant McDonell from future Facebook posts in contravention of the legal interpretation set out by the Court.

  1. Observer access to Green Bay election process (Green Bay)

A Brown County Circuit Court judge on November 2, 2022, ordered the city of Green Bay to give election observers more access to in-person absentee voting.  Judge Marc Hammer’s order gives observers access to the witness certification process and to the depositing of ballots into the ballot box.

The lawsuit alleged Green Bay City Clerk Celestine Jeffreys prohibited observers from viewing the entire in-person absentee voting process and comes as Republicans nationally have encouraged poll watching ahead of the midterm elections.  According to the lawsuit, Jeffreys did not let election observers in a public hallway where voters were filling out ballots, performing witness certification and depositing ballots.

Pending court cases:

12-25.     Adjudicated incompetents voting (Brown County, Crawford County, Juneau County, Kenosha County, Lafayette County, Langlade County, Marquette County, Ozaukee County, Polk County, Taylor County, Vernon County, Vilas County, Walworth County)

Wisconsin Election Commission and clerks are failing to update the WisVote data base based on circuit court incompetency orders holding individual’s ineligible to register and vote. Thomas More Society and Wisconsin Voter Alliance filed in 2021 filed two administrative complaints and 13 public record act lawsuits against registers in probate in 13 counties to get to the bottom of the matter.  Dane County Clerk made a report on March 26, 2023.  The Dane County Clerks report confirmed Thomas More Society’s and Wisconsin Voter Alliance’s allegation of ineligible persons voting! The Dane County Clerk’s 2023 review of about 1,000 records found 95 people who had voted, many in multiple elections, after being adjudicated incompetent to vote, plus another 23 who were still listed as registered voters but hadn’t voted. The voters identified from just Dane County cast more than 300 votes since 2008.   More than 300 ineligibles voting in Dane County alone is more than the 192 prosecuted election fraud cases during the past decade in the entire state.  In response, WEC spokesman Joel DeSpain said, “The Wisconsin Elections Commission also is reviewing its list of 22,733 entries to ensure the information is accurate.”  The Wisconsin Voter Alliance in 2021 had found only about 800 WisVote entries of incompetent ineligible to vote.  That means the WisVote data is approximately 22,000 entries short regarding these ineligible wards. Two of the 13 lawsuits against county registers in probate are on appeal to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals.  The decisions are pending.

  1. Military elector lists—failed to prescribe form.

Wisconsin Election Commission and clerks are failing to create military elector lists intended to make it easier for military electors to vote.  Prior to the 2022 election, Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit against WEC to contest WEC’s and the clerks’ failure to maintain the military elector lists which are prescribed by Wisconsin law. After the 2022 election, as suggested by the Waukesha County Circuit Court, Thomas More Society additionally filed an administrative complaint against a municipal election clerk regarding the same issue. The matters are still pending.

  1. Biden presidential electors’ lawsuit against Trump presidential electors

In 2022, the 2020 Biden electors sued the Trump electors for damages based on their conduct in the 2020 presidential election.  This case raises important constitutional issues under the Electors Clause of Article II of the U.S. Constitution.  The Wisconsin state legislature has not authorized lawsuits against presidential electors.

  1. Eric Meadows Kenosha Unified School District litigation

Eric Meadows was elected in 2022 to a three-year term as a member of the Kenosha Unified School District board.  After the election, the school district announced that Meadows’ term, because of a clerical error regarding the at-large seat staggering, would be for one year instead.  Meadows and his supporters protested.  Thomas More Society has litigation pending in Kenosha County Circuit Court concerning the matter.

Other state issues that warrant action

  1. Wisconsin Election Commission illegally shares private driver data with Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).

Under the Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), state driver data cannot be disclosed to non-governmental parties unless one of the specific exceptions is met.  Voter registration is not an exception to the DPPA.  Disregarding this fact, the Wisconsin Election Commission has entered a contract pursuant to state law to illegally share driver data with ERIC.  Thomas More Society filed an administrative complaint in 2022 challenging the transfer of the driver data to ERIC. However, WEC did not consider it—referring it to circuit court instead.

  1. Non-citizens voting in Wisconsin

Wisconsin does not have a law requiring the Department of Transportation to transfer information about ineligible non-citizens to WEC so they can be de-registered and de-activated.

  1. Weaponization of Wisconsin colleges and universities

Research shows that Wisconsin’s colleges and universities are being organized by progressive non-profits such as Civic Nation and All In Democracy Challenge to register students and get them out to vote. There is no legal authorization for the government employees at these colleges and universities to engage in voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities.

  1. WEC’s lack of guidance

WEC is refusing to give guidance to clerks when that is one of its principal functions.

  1. Remove dead and deceased from WisVote data base

WEC refuses to remove the dead and deceased from the WisVote database.

National issues applying to Wisconsin:

  1. Executive Order no. 14019 constitutional problems

In March of 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order no. 14019 directing federal agencies to develop and implement voter registration plans in all the states. There is a legal problem.  The Elections Clause of Article I of the U.S. Constitution leaves it to the state legislatures to regulate the time, place, and manner of federal elections subject to Congressional enactments.  An executive order is not a Congressional enactment.  The Wisconsin state legislature should consider suing to protect its federal constitutional prerogatives.

  1. Electoral Count Act constitutional problems

The Electoral Count Act is a federal law, recently amended in December of 2022, giving Congress the right to review and reject a state’s electoral votes. The constitutional problem is that the Electors Clause of Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution did everything it could do to keep Congress out of the process.  The only constitutional role for Congress is for the U.S. House of Representatives to be present when the votes are counted.  If there is a tie in the Electoral College, there is more for Congress to do.  But when there isn’t a tie, the Electoral Count Act goes further than the Electors Clause by giving Congress the power to review and reject a state’s electoral votes. The Wisconsin state legislature should consider suing to protect its federal constitutional prerogatives.


I spent my life running several organizations as a senior executive running companies.  I can state unequivocally that if I or any of the executives I worked with had received a report like the LAB report on WEC and the failures of the organization I would have been terminated immediately!  No free pass as Meagan Wolfe received from the WEC Commissioners.

I pulled together some of the more egregious failures here to provide a clear-cut argument that WEC needs a new administrator.  The LAB investigation and subsequent report was completed professionally and reported fairly.  WEC is responsible for ensuring compliance with state and federal election laws. WEC has delegated to the administrator limited authority to act without its involvement.

Here are direct comments taken directly from the LAB report that clearly point to the failure of Administrator Meagan Wolfe. The LAB because of the audit work, made 30 recommendations for improvements and include 18 issues for legislative consideration.

Page 10 –             WEC’s administrative rules for training municipal clerks have not been updated since June 2016 and contain outdated provisions.

Page 11-              As of June 2021, 82.5 percent of municipal clerks who served in those positions before

January 2020 reported having completed all required training (17.5% didn’t receive training).

Page 12 –             WEC’s staff did not comply with administrative rules because they did not contact governing bodies if clerks did not report having completed the required training for the two-year period that ended in December 2019.

Page 17-              WEC did not comply with statutes by promulgating administrative rules prescribing the contents of training for special voting deputies or election inspectors.

Page 19-              WEC and clerks share responsibility for maintaining the accuracy of voter registration records. (My comment- Whenever in a pinch, Wolfe says, not my job, clerks do that.  Case in point is maintaining records of those adjudicated incompetent)

Page 21-              Statutes require WEC’s administrator and DOT’s secretary to enter into an agreement to attempt to verify the personally identifiable information provided by registrants with DOT’s information.  WEC did not have a written data-sharing agreement with DOT at the time of our audit.

Page 23-              WEC did not comply with statutes by obtaining from DOT the signatures of individuals who register online to vote.

Page 28-              WEC did not have a written data-sharing agreement with DHS at the time of our audit. The most-recent agreement was effective from January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2016.

Page 29-              WEC and Clerks did not consistently act on the potential match information provided by DOC to inactivate the voter registration records of individuals who may have been serving felony sentences.  WEC’s data-sharing agreement with DOC contained outdated information.

Page 31-              WEC had not completed statutorily reports for post-election reviews.

Page 32-              WEC did not on a regular basis obtain all the types of data from ERIC which they had access to which caused voter registration database errors. WEC was instructed to establish a regular schedule for transferring this data with ERIC.

Page 40-              In October 2016, WEC approved written guidance indicating that municipal clerks W take action to correct errors in the witness addresses on certificates. This was not authorized under law.

Page 46-              Mar 2020 WEC issued illegal advice to WI clerks on the use of absentee ballot drop boxes.

Page 50-              In Mar 2020, WEC provided illegal guidance to WI clerks concerning indefinitely confined voters. This guidance led to 220,404 Wi voters identifying as and vote as indefinitely confined.

Page 52-              Written guidance concerning the deployment of Special Voting Deputies that WEC provided to municipal clerks in June 2020 did not comply with statutes.

Page 62-              Written guidance concerning counting of ballots that WEC’s staff provided to municipal clerks in October 2020 did not comply with statutes.

Page 62-              Statutes require a municipal governing body to establish polling places at least 30 days before an election.  Written guidance that WEC provided to municipal clerks in March 2020 did not comply with statutes.

Page 74-              WEC did not enforce the rules concerning tamper-evidence seals and allowed 12.9% of clerks across the state to ignore their use.

Page 77-              WEC did not comply with statutes by promulgating administrative rules to address security-related issues for electronic voting equipment.

Page 84-              WEC’s staff did not report to WEC the statutorily required error rates for any types of electronic voting equipment used in the November 2020 General Election.

Page 95-              WEC’s staff did not have written policies for considering complaints.

Page 97-              Through May 2021, WEC’s staff did not track whether or how they had responded to concerns. This had been brought to the attention of WEC in a previous investigation.

All the preceding information certainly shows Meagan Wolfe’s inability to manage WEC, but from my perspective, her arrogance and attitude are summed up in a suit she filed on Oct 21, 2021 against the Assembly Campaign and Elections Committee, Special Counsel Gableman, Leader of the Assembly Vos and the, at that time, Chair of the Elections and Campaign Committee, Janel Brandtjen.

Wolfe filed this response to two subpoenas she received from the Special Counsel’s office.  Meagan Wolfe is the Chief Election Officer of the State.  Why would she not want to provide testimony on her WEC operation?  Why would she, by filing the suit, trigger legal fees that cost the state thousands of dollars? What did she have to hide that she enlisted the WI Attorney General Josh Kaul to file this suit?

Well, plenty. She would’ve wanted to hide her serial illegalities. These illegalities are listed above. Wolfe

did not want to comply with the subpoena because she did not want her serial illegalities exposed.

In summary, Meagan Wolfe is not and has not been effectively managing the day-to-day WEC operations.  Ms. Wolfe has failed the clerks in Wisconsin. She has failed as the Chief Elections Officer of the State. She has failed every voter and every taxpayer in the state.  Therefore, she should not be reappointed as the WEC Administrator.

On Campus Voting

May 3, 2023

Our work regarding the investigation into campus voting continues, this is a huge story as you will see as we progress.  The money and control the left have in regard to on campus voting is somewhat overwhelming.  We will be updating this story often as we go forward with our WVA investigation.  There are other folks working on this story in other states.

We recently received 600 plus pages of redacted emails and memos from the University of Wisconsin that consist of communications between U of W Staff and Civic Nation who control the ALL IN initiative. Currently, we are carefully reviewing these communications to find potential infractions, and to learn in more detail exactly how much control Civic Nation really has over voting on campuses.

Although I have not finished the review of these documents, it is very clear that for all intent and purposes, Civic Nation, through their ALL IN initiative have seized control of the campus voting across Wisconsin pushing BadgerVotes to the side.  The University of Wisconsin’s Chancellor Mnookin has totally bought into supporting the activities of ALL IN across the U of W System and has invested $10K each year with Civic Nation in support of the Big 10 Voting Challenge as his predecessor Chancellor Blank had done.

That $10K is a pittance compared to the total support the U of W throws behind the ALL IN Voting Challenge efforts.  The U of W has a number of full-time staff and paid interns contributing their time to the ALL IN Voting Challenge, not to mention the physical infrastructure for them.  Questions that come to mind are has the U of W System somehow received approval from the legislature to play a role in elections and is it legal for the U of W System to use our tax dollars in the GOTV activities they are involved in with Civic Nation?


Here are some worrying numbers concerning the campus voting in Wisconsin and the Big Ten;

  • University of Wisconsin – each year there are approximately 175,000 new students brought into the system.
  • The average voting rate on campus is 86%, so that means about 150,000 new voters each year with 80% plus voting Democrat or 120,000 votes for the Dems in Wisconsin.
  • Across the Big 10 there are 614,000 new students each year – 100% of these students are somehow touched by ALL IN.  Each one of these students register with ALL IN, so Civic Nation can follow and influence these kids long after they are out of college.
  • Civic Nation has close ties with the NCAA and have them promoting the ALL IN Voting Challenge
  • ALL IN is coordinating with other 501C3 organizations like SLSV (Students Learn, Students Vote and NSLVE (National Study of Learning Voter Engagement).  NSLVE are in 50 states working on 1200 campuses and a database of 10 million student records.  Now that is a hell of a reach!

There is so much more to learn here and are beginning to form a plan as to how to approach this in the courts. As we progress we’ll keep you informed.  Also, any ideas are welcome!

Other Issues Updated

Bidens Executive Order 14019 “Promoting Access to Voting”?  This Biden order enlists Federal Agencies to solicit and facilitate federal agencies to get out the vote. He obviously got his idea from Zuckerberg, God only knows Biden couldn’t have come up with this scheme to use our Federal Government and our tax dollars to influence our elections himself.  Republicans Rep Tenny, NY and Sen Budd of NC have proposed legislation that would roll this back (read story here).

April 13, 2023

Why The GOP Is Losing Critical Swing State Elections

While the “Left” are highly organized and running their election activities as a business, the Republicans run the elections as a hobby.  Let me explain, consider this to be an editorial.

In the early 2000’s, there was a group of left-leaning billionaires/millionaires who were donating money to the Democrat Party each year and allowing the Party to manage the spending of that money.  Well, that all changed one day when a group of these billionaires/millionaires got together.  This is my simple version of how that meeting went.

Billionaire Ed took the lead and asked Billionaire George, “George, how much money did you contribute to left-leaning organizations this past year? “George responded, “ all in, about $85 million.  Then Billionaire Ed, continued around the table asking the same question to each of the assembled group.  After he tallied up the contributions, it amounted to several hundred million dollars.  Then Ed asked, “By a show of hands, who at this table is convinced the money you’ve donated was spent effectively by the DNC to get the results you would expect?”  Not a hand went up, no one was happy with the way their money was spent.

The entire group came to the realization that, if they would form their own group, and run that group like they ran their individual successful businesses they could achieve better results. Thus came the formation of Arabella Advisors.  They simply told the DNC, “Look, we will continue contributing, but we are going to run the show, we will approve how and where our money is going to be spent.”

That was in 2005 and Bill Clinton played a crucial role in getting Arabella set up.  Read this Wikipedia posting on Arabella  Some of the notables that donate and control Arabella are; George Soros, the ever reclusive Hansjorg Wyss, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pierre Omidyar, and the Ford Foundation.

So now rather than throwing money to the DNC, Arabella basically is holding the kitty and they review requests to determine; to whom, when, how much and more importantly, how their money is being spent. Uniquely run like a business.  They have developed short and long term strategic plans. And, they have established a number of other sub-organizations like the Sixteen Thirty Fund,  Venture Fund and others who in turn have great financial influence on hundreds of leftist 501C3 organizations across the nation that are doing the grassroots work.  With Arabella controlling the spend, the results they are achieving is phenomenal.

These sub-organizations are focused on data and most have full-time staff.  They invest in acquiring meaningful data on each and every potential voter.  They continuously update that data, cross reference databases and are running various targeted GOTV campaigns centered around current issues that go down to the municipal level.  They have it figured out, reach the right person with the right message and bingo, you just gained a vote.  Look no further than the latest Wisconsin Supreme Court election.  In the aftermath of the election, it became apparent that the primary reason the GOP lost was because of the issue of abortion.  Because of absolute rifle shot use of data, the left knew who to contact with what message to influence their votes or in some cases, just to stay home and not vote.

Meantime, the GOP is door knocking, and having candidates paraded around for local speeches.  And, the GOP hires young, just out of college, people who are temporarily assigned for a couple of months, by district to help the local GOP county apparatus to get out the vote while the party is spending money on the traditional media buys. I know they do more than that, but they are not nearly as sophisticated as the left.

Running the entire voting process as a business has proven to be successful for the left and the GOP had better find their “Arabella” soon.

March 19, 2023

The Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA)

There continues to be a lot of activity in the election integrity world. There is just so much to correct, and some of it takes an inordinate amount of time.  WVA has long been focused on getting the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) shut down in Wisconsin as they are illegally using driver information they obtain from the State of Wisconsin to register voters.  ERIC is passing on confidential driver’s license information to CEIR and other left-leaning 501C3s who in-turn then use that information to send voter registration information to millions of EBUs (Eligible But Unregistered voters) across the country. PEOPLE IN WISCONSIN ARE NOT AWARE OF THIS AT ALL, THEY NEED TO BE MADE AWARE, SO PASS THIS INFORMATION FORWARD TO YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLEASE.

ERIC ( as of November 2022 has 32 States and the District of Columbia as members with Wisconsin being one of them.  Since then, however, the following seven states have withdrawn membership in ERIC, Missouri, Florida, W. Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana, Iowa and Ohio. This leaves ERIC with 25 states and quite frankly with less power or influence they ever had.  Yesterday the Attorney General of Texas made statements that would lead one to believe they may be the next to drop out.

Additionally, David Becker, the founder of ERIC this past week has resigned from the ERIC board. BTW, our own Administrator of The Wisconsin Elections Commission, Meagan Wolfe was the past Chairman of their board and is still on it. Becker is feeling the pressure and in an attempt to take some of the spotlight off ERIC he resigned from the board.  Between you and I there is a ton of pressure still coming his direction and hopefully with our DPPA filing in Wisconsin we will focus the spotlight on ERIC here to put a little warmth in his kitchen.

Wisconsin needs to be out of ERIC, and be assured, WVA and TMS are working to get that done.  The WI Legislature really has their hands tied by the WI Attorney General and Governor who do not want to give up this domain that favors their political party.  Be that as it is, we are making the Legislature aware of the latest ERIC news and hopefully the Legislature will introduce some type of bill to, at a minimum, bring this newsworthy item to the forefront.

Need Help in Madison

We are still in the hunt for someone who owns property in Madison and lives in Madison who will be willing to be a plaintiff on a complaint we wish to file against the city.  This is concerning an illegal ordinance Madison has on the books concerning landlords being required to inform tenants of voting registration and voting locations.  This is a 1st amendment violation and we need to have it removed from the Madison ordinances.  So, if you know anyone who lives in Madison and might own apartments or even a duplex that would work with us, please contact me.

Good News! – Recommended Bill to Amend Wisconsin Statute §6.875

Wisconsin Statute §6.875 deals with voting procedures in residential care facilities, etc.  As you can imagine, with the work we have done in Nursing Homes across the state, we have talked to hundreds of caretakers who are confounded with the cold hard facts their loved one(s) who may be incompetent have been voting, yet, they as appointed caretakers know nothing about when voting is going to occur in any of the nursing homes.

WVA submitted the attached “Recommended Bill to Amend WI Statute §6.875” to Assemblyman Joel Kitchens who in turn, passed it by the Legislative Counsel to determine if this amendment was justified.  The Legislative Counsel agreed with the recommended amendment and with Assemblyman Joel Kitchens sponsoring the amendment it is going forward.  There are several Senators who will sponsor the bill in the Senate.  (Read the attached to understand the entire amendment).

February 6, 2023

Updates on what we are working on currently.  It is extremely important to keep pressure on WEC to ensure they are doing their job as the Commissioners assigned to do that do not seem to be properly focused.

Recently in digging into the University of Wisconsin System as to how on-campus voting is being directed there is no little doubt that violations are occurring both regarding left-leaning 501C3s and how taxpayer dollars are being used to favor one party over another.

Here are a few things we are working on including what we believe may be our path to having change effected.

Zuckerbucks 2.0

From October 2020 forward, we have said the Zuckerbucks were a form of bribery, a quid pro quo deal.  And now, they are back!  The city of Madison is the first city in 2023 to take money ($1.5M) from CTCL’s newly formed U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence.  The unanimous approval of accepting this money was completed at the Madison city council meeting in a matter of 3 or 4 minutes on Jan 17th.

Managed primarily by CTCL, The U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence launched in 2022 and is a five-year, $80 million nonpartisan  (nod, nod, wink, wink) program that brings together election officials, designers, technologists, and other experts to envision, support, and celebrate excellence in U.S. election administration.

We have obtained copies of the grant agreement between CTCL and Madison, and it contains the same kinds of activities that must be completed by the city that occurred in 2020. This agreement also has claw-back provisions so that if the city of Madison does not perform, the money would have to be paid back.  And there new items in this agreement having some of The U.S. Alliance players like; The Center for Civic Design, Prototyping Systems Lab, and U.S. Digital Response actually become involved with the elections ballot designs, efficiency of poll books, and voting software design and development.  These people are not elected officials nor are they paid by the city.  So, what could possibly go wrong? Even if this all started out with the right intentions, this could go sideways very fast.

A win!  Ottawa County Michigan was one of those counties that was selected by The U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence and were offered money, however, the county turned them down.  Seems Ottawa County was one of a few Michigan counties that had followed the WVA’s lead in having counties pass ordinances to not accept outside money for elections.


It is appalling that this city along with the U of W has put in place so many rules and regulations to affect voting registration and GOTV that affects the results in the city.  We’ll get to the U of W next, but in our research, we came across Madison city Ordinance 32.06 (5) which deals with landlords in the city being required to assist in expanding voter participation. Here is the copied requirement of that ordinance; Voter Registration Forms . In order to increase citizen participation in elections, and in light of the many tenants residing in the City of Madison, every landlord shall provide a tenant with a voter registration form at the time the tenant takes possession of the residence. The voter registration form shall be the form made available by the City Clerk or as downloaded from the City Clerk’s website. The landlord shall also provide each residential unit with the “How to Register” information available from the City Clerk. (Cr by ORD-12-00096, 7-27-12)

This is not legal for the city to compel landlords to execute this responsibility.  It has been defeated in other states and we will work to get this ordinance stricken from the books in Madison.

University of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin, the sacred cow in America’s Dairyland is a bastion of liberal thinking and teaching. One must be careful in communication concerning that organization because in the minds of so many Wisconsinites this bastion of learning is untouchable.  The biggest problem with U of W is there is little or no transparency.  Kind of like, the WEC (Wisconsin Election Commission).

Having said that, clearly the University of Wisconsin system influences enough voting activity across the state to effect election outcomes.  It is estimated that across the system there are 35-40K new Democrats votes each election cycle. Of course, this doesn’t just happen, there is a great deal of well-coordinated activity by several liberal, left-leaning 501C3s.

These left leaning 501C3s seem to be performing activities that are outside of the authority or purview of 501C3s.  In a roundabout way, they are managing to have your tax dollars to affect voter registration and GOTV activities for elections. Reportedly, even the WARF (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation) has committed limited funding to the Morgridge Center election activities. BTW WARF has assets more than $7.81 Billion.  What is interesting about this is that when reviewing their IRS 990 filing, there is no mention of this money.  Really what is $3 M to an organization that has $7.8 B?

The Civic Nation 501C3 of Washington D.C. with a $16M annual budget is one of those leading the on-campus charge.  Their ALL-IN initiative which focuses on campuses across the nation has been embedded in the U of W for several years now and for all intent and purpose are running things at the Morgridge Center concerning election activity.  We have a lot of work yet to do with open records requests to find supporting documentation on these matters.

Adjudicated Incompetents

This is a case where we filed in 13 different counties in order to have the Registers in Probate release the information to us whereby we can prove, without question, that WEC, is once again not properly maintaining their database.  We discovered there were only 803 people listed as Incomp/Inactive in the WisVote database when, in fact, there are more than likely about 16,000 in the state.  We have had the courts dismiss our request and are in the appeals process at this time.  I would ask you, why would the courts not want to provide this information to us?  I find it baffling especially when the WI Judicial got together with WEC and decided to pass only information that was not confidential in each case. Last week at a hearing, the Circuit Court Judge rhetorically said to Attorney Kaardal, “You know where this is going, don’t you?  This will end up at the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Regarding the use of Voting Machines
We have been contacted concerning several townships who do not want to purchase voting machines.  These are jurisdictions where the population is under 7,500 and the local clerks want to rid themselves of these expensive machines they do not trust.  WI law says, municipalities with under 7,500 population do not have to have machines.  The only criteria that has to be met is that of HAVA (Help America Voting Act) who have a requirement for BMD to be available for the handicapped. There are two sides to this story, the other side is a County Clerk who is saying they want all municipalities to be reporting in the same manner.  I can understand that position.


We’ve been gathering information on ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) and WEC as to the agreement that is in place.  ERIC currently operates in 31 states (there were 33, Alabama and Louisiana recently dropped out) and we believe that ERIC is operating outside of the law given their access to private information they receive from WISDOT and share with CEIR. We will be filing that suit shortly.

Military Absentee Balloting

We filed this suit against the clerk in Menominee Falls as this clerk had issued an absentee ballot to a non-existing person at the request of Kimberly Zapata the City of Milwaukee assistant elections clerk who allegedly was testing the military absentee system.  The clerks, in general, do not maintain Military Absentee voting lists as required by law. Our relief in this filing would be to have both WEC and individual clerks to maintain a list of Military Absentee voters as required by law.

January 24, 2023

Adjudicated Incompetents

To refresh your memory, this is a case where we filed in 13 different counties in order to have the Registers in Probate release the information to us whereby we can prove, without question, that WEC, is once again not properly maintaining their database.  We discovered there were only 803 people listed as Incomp/Inactive in the WisVote database when, in fact, there are more than likely about 16,000 in the state.  We have had the courts dismiss our request and are in the appeals process at this time.  I would ask you, why would the courts not want to provide this information to us?  I find it baffling especially when the WI Judicial got together with WEC and decided to pass only information that was not confidential in each case.

WEC Providing Information that is incorrect regarding the use of Voting Machines
We are working on the draft complaint on a very interesting case where several townships do not want to purchase voting machines.  These are jurisdictions where the population is under 7,500 and the local clerks want to rid themselves of these expensive machines they do not trust.  WEC  immediately takes an incorrect position (via written memo) that these municipalities MUST purchase machines or else they will face repercussions! WEC is dead wrong on this as the law is clear that municipalities with under 7,500 voters do not have to have machines.  HAVA (Help America Voting Act) does have a requirement for a voting machine that will be available for the handicapped, but that is a totally different, inexpensive machine called a BMD (Ballot Marking Device).  We’ll keep you posted on this suit going forward.


We’ve been gathering information on ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) and WEC as to the agreement that is in place.  ERIC currently operates in 31 states (there were 33, Alabama and Louisiana recently dropped out) and we believe that ERIC is operating outside of the law given their access to private information they receive from WISDOT and share with CEIR. We will be filing that suit shortly.

Voting in our Universities and Colleges

Over the past 3 months, we’ve been digging into how the voting process is being influenced on our Wisconsin campuses.  We’ve found some interesting tidbits of information that lead us to believe the U of W is utilizing taxpayer dollars in a partisan GOTV effort.  Upwards of 80% of votes cast in campus wards go to the Democrats.  That statistically is out of balance with the rest of the voting in the state. We have a number of open records requests that we are waiting on now.  Keep this in mind, in WI the left-leaning voting on campus is great enough to turn an election!

Military Absentee Balloting

We filed this suit against the clerk in Menominee Falls as this clerk had issued an absentee ballot to a non-existing person at the request of Kimberly Zapata the City of Milwaukee assistant elections clerk who allegedly was testing the military absentee system.  The clerks, in general, are not maintaining Military Absentee voting lists as required by law. Our relief in this filing would be to have both WEC and individual clerks to maintain a list of Military Absentee voters as required by law.

Zuckerbucks coming back
Last week, the Madison city council voted unanimously to accept a CTCL grant of $1M.  We knew months ago that CTCL had a new injection of some $83M they were going to dole out, we just didn’t know where they were going to go with it.  I am convinced they went to Madison first because that is the most liberal city in the State.  We have submitted an open records request to the city of Madison to try to find out what their plans are for that money.  Remember, Madison is the only city that has not yet removed their illegal ballot drop boxes.  Instead, they have temporarily spent money to decorate and transform these illegal ballot drop boxes into art forms. Really!  Do you think they are banking on the left winning the race for the open WI Supreme Court seat and then they will be able to reactivate their illegal drop boxes?