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Archived 2022 Posts

Investigation into the University of Wisconsin in Regard to on-Campus Voting

December 19, 2022

Happy New Year to all!

In my last note to the membership, I explained how well the Democrat Party machine has captured and controlled the on-campus voting.  I explained how our tax dollars are funding paid interns who are working in conjunction with organizations like Civic Nation’s initiative “ALL IN” who in turn control BadgerVote who in turn pretty much control all the voting process across all Universities in Wisconsin.  If you had not read that, you can go here to read that article – Investigation into the University of Wisconsin in Regard to on-Campus Voting

To unequivocally prove the success of the Democrat Party with regard to on-campus voting I took the time to pull together the Nov 8, 2022, results for 17 universities and colleges across the state. I contacted the clerks in each of the cities where these universities are located to determine which wards were most likely to have the greatest number of students voting in them.  Granted, in many of these cities these student voters are quite scattered around, but by identifying the most student active wards the results paint a very clear picture, that being THE DEMOCRATS PLAN IS WORKING!

Below is a table I put together that illustrates city by ward(s) how well their plan is working.  Prior to looking at the results in the table it is important to understand the overall official statewide results on the Nov 8 election and the particulars as to the candidates.

A summary highlighting my findings as to how effective the Democrat plan is.

  • VOTER TURNOUT-On Nov 1, 2022, Wisconsin had 3,531,456 registered voters, 2,640,000 people voted in the Nov 8 election which represents a 58.2% turnout, that in comparison to an average of 111% voter turnout in the campus situated wards.
  • EDRs (Election Day Registered)Of the 2.64 million voters that voted on Nov 8th 585,000 voters or 22% were EDRs.  That, compared to upwards of 90% of voters at campus wards being EDRs.  For example, in the 4 wards represented in Madison, just over 90% of the voters were EDRs.  At University of WI GRB, 93.5% of ward 3 were EDRs.  Now compare that to my county, Kewaunee, that had 6% of our voters being EDRs.
  • Party Voting – On a statewide basis, Evers received 51.2% of the vote, however on the 17 universities, Evers received 68.8% of a 17.6% variance.  Barnes statewide received 49.5% of the vote while on the campuses he received 68.3% an 18.8% variance.
  • In the table when you see over 100% of registered voters that is a result of a high number of EDRs.
  Ward # Registered Voters AS OF 11/1/2022 Ballots Cast % of Reg Voters Evers Votes % Evers Barnes Votes % Barnes
Madison 57 1236 1395 112.86% 1163 83.4% 1171 83.9%
  58 1111 1292 116.29% 1067 82.6% 1077 83.4%
  60 613 753 122.84% 681 90.4% 686 91.1%
  61 791 1147 145.01% 984 85.8% 990 86.3%
LaCrosse 9 324 798 246.30% 451 56.5% 464 58.1%
  10 286 871 304.55% 550 63.1% 563 64.6%
U of W Superior 5 660 2073 314.09% 1261 60.8% 1230 59.3%
14 201 2013 1001.49% 1344 66.8% 1308 65.0%
U of W River Falls 10-13 809 806 99.63% 497 61.7% 484 60.0%
  14-18 1714 1683 98.19% 964 57.3% 953 56.6%
U of W Stout 4 814 844 103.69% 517 61.3% 510 60.4%
5 776 595 76.68% 401 67.4% 394 66.2%
6 618 533 86.25% 340 63.8% 329 61.7%
U of W Eau Claire 3 624 661 105.93% 518 78.4% 511 77.3%
  20 1173 973 82.95% 751 77.2% 746 76.7%
  24 631 548 86.85% 448 81.8% 442 80.7%
  26 650 600 92.31% 358 59.7% 333 55.5%
U of W Stevens Point 1-3 756 959 126.85% 727 75.8% 721 75.2%
4-6 666 909 136.49% 618 68.0% 618 68.0%
7-9 517 904 174.85% 674 74.6% 674 74.6%
13-15 898 982 109.35% 700 71.3% 700 71.3%
31-33 391 654 167.26% 467 71.4% 467 71.4%
U of W Green Bay 3 327 528 161.47% 385 72.9% 394 74.6%
U of W Oshkosh 12 94 395 420.21% 252 63.8% 249 63.0%
U of W Milwaukee 126 452 712 157.52% 593 83.3% 610 85.7%
  127 1209 1002 82.88% 778 77.6% 772 77.0%
  132 1048 859 81.97% 772 89.9% 782 91.0%
  133 705 584 82.84% 514 88.0% 523 89.6%
U of W Parkside 5 594 414 69.70% 296 71.5% 298 72.0%
6 871 621 71.30% 406 65.4% 401 64.6%
10 241 173 71.78% 98 56.6% 98 56.6%
11 1421 1036

Investigation into the University of Wisconsin in Regard to on-Campus Voting

December 19, 2022

I have spent a bit of time investigating and learning how student voting is controlled and directed on state Universities across Wisconsin and America. The left clearly is in control of voting on University and College campuses across the U.S.. That battle may already be over unless we can prove that utilizing University funds, i.e., tax dollars for funding on campus voting activity is illegal.  Then again, it could be legal, but not authorizedWarning, this is a long read because the process is complicated with several left leaning woke organizations being heavily involved.

The first queries I made were about the U of W Madison voting process.  At first, it appeared the BadgersVote organization was the player in the U of W on-campus voter registration and voting. BadgersVote is headquartered in the Morgridge Center for Public Service on campus.  The mission (according to their website) of The Morgridge Center, established in 1996,  is to connect campus and community through service, service learning, and community-based research to build a thriving democratic society. And the Vision is to prepare students to be their best civic selves for lifelong civic engagement by building capacity, in partnership with the community, to address complex problems locally and globally.

In 2013, BadgersVote was formed at U of W Madison when Kathy Kramer became the new faculty director of U of W, Madison. Then in 2017, under the direction of U of W Chancellor Rebecca Blank, Kathy Kramer enlisted BadgersVote in the “ALL IN to VOTE” Campus Democracy Challenge and The Big Ten Voter Challenge.  For all intent and purpose, at that point, BadgersVote appears to have relinquished their status and operations to ALL IN.  In this video, Kramer boasts of “several dozen interns” working in and around the U of W Madison campus (your tax dollars at work).

All IN is an “initiative” of Civic Nation and is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC and is powered by and BallotReady’s CivicEngine.  On the All IN to Vote platform, individuals can; register to vote, confirm their voter registration status, determine how and where to vote, learn about what is on their ballot, encourage friends to vote, and pledge to vote and compete in the All In campus leaderboard pledge competition.

The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge is a national, nonpartisan (not true) initiative that provides structure, support, and recognition for colleges and universities across the U.S. working to improve democratic engagement – civic learning, political engagement, and student voter participation. ALL IN encourages institutions to help students form the habits of active and informed citizenship and institutionalize democratic engagement programs. Learn more at

So, the obvious question is who and what is ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge?  ALL IN, is an “initiative” of a well-funded 501C3 Washington D.C based Civic NationCivic Civic Nation was established as tax exempt since 2015, it is truly a woke organization, they have grown significantly since established. There are no postings of 2021 revenue, but in 2020, All IN had total revenue of $16,234,577.  The Obamas and Joe Biden were involved in the founding of Civic Nation and are involved today.

Civic Nation also has their own group of private advertising and marketing companies which provide volunteer creative marketing services. This group is called “Creative Alliance”.  The coalition partnered with the Obama administration to produce celebrity-backed advertisements promoting the Obama administration’s policies. The Creative Alliance claims that it has 75 member companies which donated over $8 million in in-kind marketing services during its first two years in operation. Creative Alliance’s membership roster also includes a number of well-known media companies that help to publicize its left-leaning campaigns including Facebook, the Guardian, VH1, Comedy Central, Tumblr, etc.

Civic Nation boasts of having over 1,300 media, corporate and nonprofit partners, Fortune 500 companies, over 400 celebrity & influence partners and involvement on over 1790 college and university campuses. They have a centralized model that enables them to respond quickly to new initiatives and pressing issues like the Covid 19 hesitancy. Their focus is on social challenges around civic engagement and gender equality.

Kyle Lierman, the CEO of Civic Nation is closely aligned with the Democrat Party.  He was previously the CEO of When We All Vote, which was a creation of Michelle Obama.  Prior to that he worked on the Obama campaign team and on the Obama White House team in various roles to include senior policy advisor and domestic policy council.  The Civic Nation Board, with Valerie Jarrett as Chairman, is comprised of former high-ranking staff of the Obama Administration, with one exception being Jason Waskey who was the previous president of Civic Nation. How can this organization claim to be nonpartisan?

Reporting to Kyle Lierman, Jenifer Domagal-Goldman (also D.C. based) is the Executive Director of the ALL IN Campus ChallengePrior to joining the Challenge, Domagal-Goldman directed the American Democracy Project, a national civic learning and democratic engagement network of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). Domagal-Goldman serves on the editorial board of the eJournal of Public Affairs. She is a contributing writer for a number of civic engagement publications, including co-authoring chapters in Reimagining Democratic Societies: A New Era of Personal and Social Responsibility (2013), Becoming a Steward of Place: Four Areas of Institutional Focus (2014), and Student Civic Outcomes in Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Methods (2017). She also contributed to Higher Education’s Role in Enacting a Thriving Democracy: Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Theory of Change (2018). 

University of Wisconsin – one of ALL IN’S best!
The U of W system is recognized as one of ALL IN’s most engaged campuses for college student voting. This means U of W makes intentional efforts to increase nonpartisan democratic engagement and college student voting.

The institutions that met the criteria for most engaged met the following criteria:
-Participate in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge
-Shared 2020 National Study of Learning
-Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) Reports with campus voting data with ALL IN
-Developed and submitted a 2022 democratic engagement action plan with ALL IN
-Maintain current signatory to ALL IN’s Higher Education Presidents’ Commitment to Full Student Voter Participation.

Other Wisconsin Colleges that were recognized in 2022 by ALL IN were; Alverno College, Cardinal Stritch University, Carroll University, Madison Area Technical College, St. Norbert College, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and University of Wisconsin-Superior.

With the process of having individual students sign the ALL IN’s Presidential commitment to fully engage in the election process, ALL IN are able to build a significant database of on campus voters, and they can follow those individuals well after their college years.  There is no doubt exchange of that data with other left-leaning groups that care to engage.

In addition to ALL IN, Civic Nation operates the following “iniativies and projects”.
It’s On Us
Launched in September 2014 by President Obama and then-Vice President Biden, It’s On Us (IOU) strives to build the movement to combat campus sexual assault by engaging all students, including young men, and activating the largest student organizing program of its kind in grassroots awareness and prevention education programs. Learn more at
When We All Vote
Created by Michelle Obama in 2018, When We All Vote (WWAV) brings together individuals, institutions, brands, and organizations to register new voters and advance civic education to build an informed and engaged electorate. When We All Vote empowers supporters and volunteers to take action through voting, advocating for their rights, and holding their elected officials accountable. Learn more at
United State of Women
The United State of Women (USOW) aims to create a world in which all women and marginalized genders can thrive. Through education, community, and action, USOW amplifies racial and gender justice issues and galvanizes organizations, influencers, and everyday feminists to drive policy and culture change. Learn more at
End Rape on Campus
End Rape On Campus (EROC) works to end campus sexual violence through direct support for survivors and their communities, prevention through education, and policy reform at the campus, local, state, and federal levels. End Rape On Campus is focused on centering survivors of color, those with disabilities and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, who historically face higher rates of sexual harassment and violence. Learn more at
Made to Save
Made to Save is a national public education and grassroots organizing effort working to save lives by building trust in and increasing access to the COVID-19 vaccines in communities of color. COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted communities of color, but Black and Brown Americans are more than 25% less likely to be vaccinated than their white peers. Made to Save aggregates and shares effective community engagement strategies, messages, and communications tools through a broad coalition of trusted partners, including faith leaders, community health organizations, private companies and government agencies. Learn more at
ALL IN are incubating and getting ready to launch CREATOR FORCE, a program developed to expand and diversify the creative class by offering teens education and access to careers in advertising, media, and entertainment. Many teens are unaware of the wide range of creative careers out there, how to pursue them, or the financial stability they bring. Our goal is to help underserved teens “see what they can be” by providing awareness and access to tools, education, and real-world opportunities in creative industries. Learn more at
We The ActionWe The Action is a community of more than 41,000 lawyers from all 50 states (plus DC, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa and Guam) donating their time to work on some of the most pressing issues facing the nation: voting rights, racial justice, supporting immigrant communities, COVID-19, the eviction crisis, and more.We The Action connects its nonprofit partners with lawyers eager to give them the legal support they need — totally free of charge.Throughout American history, lawyers have been on the front lines in the fight for civil rights, gender equity, workers’ rights, and much more. We The Action was founded because lawyers are uniquely qualified to help in the ongoing fight to progress.

So, what is the GOP doing on campuses?  They typically have a group of “Young Republicans” who hold meetings from time to time and try to engage other students in meaningful political conversation.  They do voter registration and encourage other students to vote.  WHAT THEY DO NOT HAVE IS A FULLY ENDORSED AND OPERATED ORGANIZATION LIKE ALL IN PAID FOR, AND MANAGED BY THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM.  Quite frankly the political environment on campuses today really doesn’t lend itself to much discussion from the right.

Next, we are working on information that definitively illustrates how effective this system is working for the Democrats.

Data Sharing by Third Parties Affecting College Voting Rates

December 13, 2022

Do you remember when, on Monday, Dec 13th, 2021 GOP State Senator Kathy Bernier, the Chair of the Senate Elections and Campaigns had the press conference featuring CEIR (Center for Election Innovation and Research) Executive Director President David Becker?

The entire purpose of this press conference was for David Becker to announce the formation of an Election Official Legal Defense Network which would provide legal support for any state officials, municipal clerks, or county clerks who might be charged with election wrong-doing.

Keep in mind, CEIR is funded with $67 million from Zuckerberg.  I thought to myself at the time, this must be a joke, Zuckerberg illegally funded GOTV campaigns run by municipal employees in the 2020 election.  Now his money is being used by CEIR to defend the election officials in Wisconsin who were involved in the illegal activities that occurred in the 2020 election.

CEIR is in a relationship with ERIC in that, ERIC shares confidential voter information with CEIR.  Of course, ERIC has very one-sided contracts with 31 states (they had 33 states, but Louisiana and Alabama have recently dropped them) to allegedly provide more accurate voting roles by keeping track of movers.  ERIS’s one sided contracts allow them to have access to private information of voters.  The fact that ERIC then shares that confidential information with CEIR (Center for Election Innovation and Research) should be enough to have the ERIC contract with WEC voided.  Our database is a mess, and it is proven across America where ERIC is involved the error rate of information in the database has increased by 1.35%.

ERIC uses the WisVote data, combined with data from DMV to create EBU lists (eligible but unregistered lists).  These lists are then used by election officials and progressive organizations in registration and GOTV drives.  These contracts have provided a systemic election advantage for progressive candidates.

Probably the most obvious place where this is true is on our U of W campuses across the state.  I will submit a separate full description of how that entire process works for the progressives.  It is quite an amazing revelation. Our publicly funded colleges use our tax dollars to fund voting registrations on campus and ultimately get these same people to vote.

Following is some voting data from the city of Madison.  The wards represented here are smack dab in the middle of the U of W Madison campus. I believe this table illustrates the power of BadgersVote utilizing the EBU lists provided by ERIC and CEIR.  You perhaps wonder why there are more ballots cast then # of registered voters, answer is, same day registration.  But look at the percentage of the votes for the progressive candidates, those are phenomenal.

Ward # Districts in Heart of U of W Campus # Registered Voters Ballots Cast % Registered Voters % Evers % Barnes
57 District 14 1236 1402 113.43% 83.78% 83.99%
58 District 14 1111 1293 116.38% 83.54% 83.74%
60 District 5 613 754 123% 91.16% 91.10%
61 District 5 791 1155 146.02% 86.39% 86.09%

I am doing a deep dive investigation into the University system and the way voting is influenced and accomplished on campuses.  I am learning so much as to how the progressive left have cornered that market and I am truly shocked.  I will be sending that information to you in the next few days.

One other piece of business.  There is a person by the name of Jefferson Davis that represents himself as being the “spokesperson” for Wisconsin Election Integrity.  Just to be clear.  He is not a spokesperson for anything the WVA is doing in the election integrity arena.

As always, we look forward to your continued support!

Statewide Banning of Private Grant Money in Elections Update

November 14, 2022

Good Morning Members,

As you all know, the Wisconsin Voter Alliance has been working with county board members across the state of Wisconsin to implement local bans on private grant money funding Wisconsin elections. This was made necessary by Governor Tony Evers vetoing the state wide legislation that would have fixed this issue.

With this past election many counties had ballot questions on the ballot, or county boards passed resolutions to implement this ban restricting private funding. I have attached a map below that shows the status of each county in this process. I encourage everyone to take a look at the map, and if you reside in a county that has not completed this yet, talk to your local representatives about this issue.

Wisconsin Voter Alliance Post Election Update

November 10, 2022

Good news, with the latest election.  We did not see the problems that we saw in the 2020 election.  An exception would be in Green Bay where Clerk Celestine Jeffreys and her motley crew continued to obstruct the poll watchers on election evening.  This, after no more than a week earlier Ms. Jeffreys had been admonished by Circuit Court Judge Hammer to run the elections in accordance with the law.  It seems the only way the City of Green Bay’s elections will return to normalcy will be when Ms. Jeffreys is no longer involved with the city.  There will be more coming on than that in the future.

We believe that this mid-term cycle election ran smoothly because of all the work that has been done by groups like the WVA.  We have taken WEC to task along with the leadership in the WI-5 cities and they were aware they were being watched closely by us, the GOP and several other election integrity groups.  To try to pull some stunt would mean immediate repercussions, and they wanted to eliminate that from occurring.

Last week we were in court in Waukesha Co. with an injunction plea concerning military absentee balloting.  After the fiasco in the city of Milwaukee with the termination of the Deputy Director Elections Commission, Ms. Zapata, we took a very close look at the military absentee ballot process and we recognized quickly there was tremendous room for malfeasance with those ballots.  We pled to the court to put a hold on those ballots until the voters were clearly vetted and verified.  The judge in this case did not rule to hold back the processing of these ballots as he did not want to confuse or confound the current election with the clerks across the state.  So be it, however, we cannot let this issue fester, work needs to be done to fix this process prior to the next election.  The Judge in this hearing was particularly harsh with WEC as they are not maintaining the proper military absentee ballot list for the state as they are required to do.

As all that is going on, we are continuing our fight in court to obtain the records from the county registers in probate on the ineligible wards.  On Wednesday, November 9th Brown County Circuit Court Judge Hammer ruled that we would be given a court hearing pending our court of appeals decision.  That was the same ruling we received in Crawford County.  Langlade County, without merit, simply said they wouldn’t hear our case, and that is being appealed.  Walworth Co. denied the register in probate’s appeal to stay and he has set a hearing date of December 19th.  We are confident that we will prevail in court, and we will receive the records we need to prove WEC is not maintaining the data properly on the ineligible wards.

We’ve begun another path of investigation into the WisVote database concerning multiple voters all living at the same address and these are single family dwellings.  For example, we have an address in one county where there are 10 people all with the same address and all have different names.

We’ve just begun that work, we’ll keep you informed on that, but something doesn’t seem right with it.

Wisconsin Voter Alliance Activities Update

November 5, 2022

Seeking to Ensure Military Elector Absentee Ballots are Verified Prior to Counting

Friday, Nov 4th, WEC was served with a Petition for Declaratory Judgement under Wisconsin Statutes §227.40.  Over the past week we’ve have all become more aware of the vulnerability in our military elector absentee ballot process.  In as much as there are massive holes in these voting procedures which allow for and invite malfeasance, we felt it necessary to file a temporary restraining order and temporary injunction to sequester Wisconsin’s military elector absentee ballots prior to the November 8, 2022, for the purpose of verification before counting.

The plaintiffs are all Waukesha County residents, and the Plaintiff is the Wisconsin Election Commission who once again is failing to perform their assigned duties.  You can read the pertinent documents that were filed yesterday on this complaint.

Waukesha County Circuit Court Complaint Against WEC
Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Temporary Injunction
Order for Temporary Restraining Order/Temporary Injunction
Affidavit of Heather Honey
Affidavit of Ron Heuer
Affidavit of Janel Brandtjen

In our investigation, we learned that WEC is once again not providing the proper work in maintaining a list of military voters that is supposed to be passed on to the clerks across the state.  Once again, this points to the need to reconstruct WEC.  Day to day management within WEC seems to be non-existent.

You can see how much work goes into each of these cases if you review these documents.  And, I might add, the time the plaintiffs, lawyers and witnesses/information researchers must put into this just to get complaint filed.  Now we are at the discretion of the court.  Will they or will they not grant us the restraining order.

Filing these cases takes time and money.  Prior to any words being written on any of these filings, we are conducting massive amounts of research.  We are looking into the law, running checks and queries into the database, reading and re-reading the applicable laws and pulling together people who are willing to be plaintiffs.  We need your continued financial support to insure we can continue all this important work.  Encourage others to become members of the Wisconsin Voter Alliance.

Should Milwaukee’s Executive Director of Elections Claire Woodall-Vogg Resign Now?

Deputy Director of Milwaukee Election Commission Kimberly Zapata has been fired from her job!  She admitted to requesting military absentee ballots through WisVote and having them sent to the address of Assemblywoman Janel Brandtjen.  She broke the law and has been terminated by the Mayor of Milwaukee.

Now, this Deputy Director reports to Woodall-Vogg, shouldn’t Woodall-Vogg bear some responsibility in this.  Shouldn’t the Milwaukee Executive Director of Elections Commission be held to a higher standard? These same two individuals have been up to their necks in bending the laws since early 2020 just as Celestine Jeffreys has regarding the illegal drop boxes, illegal Zuckerbucks etc.

This is serious business as Milwaukee County prosecutors are considering charging Zapata with malfeasance in office, a felony, and illegally requesting a ballot, which is a misdemeanor according to the reporting from the Journal Sentinel.  Here is the Milwaukee Journal article.  Be sure to watch the Mayor’s announcement, Claire Woodall-Vogg appeared to be very nervous, as she should be.

The reason the military absentee ballot issue is so hot is because the rules for military absentee ballot voting are quite different than an individual who is not military.  For example, if I as John Doe request an absentee ballot I must provide my clerk some form of photo I.D. that is acceptable before the clerk would mail that ballot to me.

However, if I were in the military, I do not have to be registered, I can request an absentee ballot to be mailed, emailed or faxed to me without any valid photo I.D. This opens a large loophole for ballots to be voted by third parties.  The Federal Government sets the rules for the issuance of military absentee ballots. However, if an elections clerk is on their toes, they should be able to determine whether an absentee ballot request is valid based on the address it is being mailed to.

Green Bay City Clerk Jeffreys Finally Gets Corrected by the Court

The city clerk of Green Bay Celestine Jeffreys was finally held accountable for her “bending the law” in regard to election observers.  Jeffreys has been marching to the beat of her own drum regarding election laws.

Jeffrey’s has proven she is a bad apple, as her election malfeasances started in 2020 with the Presidential Election with the illegal drop boxes, illegal funding with Zuckerbucks, voting navigators, etc. and and has carried forward to now.

You may recall in April of 2022, Jeffreys was the respondent in a case where she was ballot harvesting when she was accepting multiple ballots from electors.  Not only has Jeffreys been fast and loose with running elections with her own rules, but she is also vindictive and revengeful.  In another instance that occurred in April, Jeffreys was called out directly by a citizen for accepting multiple ballots from an elector.  Jeffreys then used the resources of the city, and filed a disorderly conduct charge against the elector.  That elector is having to pay for her own defense in the case as it works its way through the courts.

Ms Jeffreys seems to think she can operate the election process any way she feels like, here is what happened on Oct 26, 2022. The City of Green Bay had observers inside the clerk’s office for early voting, but moved part of the voting process to the hallway at city hall. Our laws provide observers the right to observe the entire process, and this move by Jeffreys precluded this from happening.

With the assistance from the WisGOP and local complainants, on November 1, 2022 an official complaint was filed against the City of Green Bay to ensure the elections process is fair and transparent. Election observers must be able to view “all public aspects of the voting process”, and that’s what this complaint intended to achieve. SEE COMPLAINT HERE. 

On November 2, 2022, the hearing was held and the judge sided with the RNC, meaning that observers are now permitted to view the full voting process. READ TEMPORARY INJUNCTION HERE.

Election Integrity wins in Wisconsin.  WVA has been very instrumental in pursuing these wins in Wisconsin.  We are proud to be part of restoring election integrity in Wisconsin!

Here is a list of some of the wins we’ve had in the state.

  1. Wisconsin Supreme Court indefinitely confined guidance legally unauthorized (WEC changed guidance)
  2. Wisconsin Supreme Court absentee ballot drop boxes legally unauthorized (WEC changed guidance)
  3. Zuckerberg’s CTCL funded the legally unauthorized drop boxes per $8.8 million Safe Voting Plan
  4. Waukesha County Circuit Court absentee ballot curing legally unauthorized  (WEC changed guidance)
  5. Waukesha County Circuit Court absentee ballot spoiling (WEC changed guidance)
  6. Racine County Sheriff concludes that WEC vote prohibiting “special voting deputies” to visit nursing homes in 2020 election was felony
  7. WI Legislative Audit Bureau Report—dozens of violations noted

We need your support, we’ve come a long way since we started in Sep of 2020 but there is much to do.  WEC, in my opinion, needs to be revamped, not disbanded.  There are some bad apples in that organization who have, to one degree or another, facilitated mismanagement of our voting database which is a mess right now.

October 29, 2022

Yesterday, Thomas Moore Attorney Erick Kaardal argued on behalf of the Wisconsin Voter Alliance in Langlade County. This was a continuation of the adjudicated voter investigation we’ve been conducting. Here is a link to the Langlade County Writ of Mandamus. Here is a link to the video of the entire court hearing in Langlade County from Oct 28th, 2022. Although no resolution was reached in this hearing, we are feeling confident the court will rule in our favor once they recognize the fact they (the WI Court System) set up the process utilizing the GN3180 forms to pass information to WEC. The information on that form is not confidential and we should be granted access. Receiving copies of the GN3180’s is the only way we can have access to information where we can then match against the WisVote database and prove beyond the shadow of doubt that WEC is not entering all the data. Stand by, this will take a while, but we will win.

October 18, 2022

We’ve been extremely busy not only with the “adjudicated voter investigation and complaints” which is ongoing but with a number of other initiatives that we are undertaking.  Updates follow on those initiatives.

Adjudicated Voter Investigation

To refresh your memory, WVA has been working on this in earnest since May of 2022.  Our investigations revealed there is a problem with the WisVote database in that WEC does not seem to update the database as they are by law to do.  The registers in probate across the 72 counties are forwarding to WEC the courts orders for those people who have been adjudicated incompetent and have lost their voting rights, but WEC seemingly ignores that information.  We estimate there could be as many as 15,000 names missing from the WEC database that should be listed as “inactive/incomp”.

This has been an extremely frustrating investigation. WEC has, up until Sep 2022 listed these people as “inactive/incomp”, then they changed the status in the voting roles to “inactive/administrative.  Well, that presents a huge problem as going forward organizations like WVA will no longer be able to obtain an accurate count as to who is “incomp” because there are over 300,000 people in the WisVote database who are listed as “inactive/administrative. BTW, there was no approval from the WEC Commissioners to do this.

We sued 13 individual county registers in probate for information they have in their files relating to those people in their counties who have been adjudicated incompetent and where the individual adjudicated has lost their voting privileges. We need that information to check against the WisVote database to determine the actual number of “incomps”.

We’ve had 3 of the county hearings postponed and 1 county, with no legal standing, dismissed the case.  However, the good news is that on Friday, October 28th we have a hearing in Langlade County with a Circuit Judge that has already told us he will render a ruling on that date.  This will be a zoom hearing and you will be able to watch this hearing live via Zoom.  This hearing will be on 10/28 at 8:30 AM. The Zoom Meeting ID is 836 1240 6156 and the Passcode is 27 97 98

Our investigation revealed that back in 2010, a senior court official met with the folks responsible for running Wisconsin elections and in that meeting they hammered out an agreement as to how sensitive information would be handed off from the Circuit Courts to the election’s folks.  The issue centered around the confidentiality of an adjudication document of perhaps 6-12 pages and the election people only needed a few items in the document to include the first name, last name, address, etc.  So, nothing has changed, the information that has been passed on to WEC from the court system has not changed, yet now WEC changes their database.  The hearing on the 28th of October can be a game changer.

HAVA Complaint

We reported on this earlier.  We had filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission concerning the fact that they were in a contractual agreement with ERIC that is ultimately unlawful.  Yesterday we received a letter from WEC indicating they won’t rule one way or the other and indicated for us to pursue this in the Court system.  We are analyzing what court we will file in now.  Very likely it will be a circuit court filing here in Wisconsin, standby.

Konnech Inc.

Konnech is a Michigan software company that has been working to provide election logistical software solutions.  Recently, they contracted with the Milwaukee elections commission to develop a software program that would be a management tool for the county to handle the listing and assignment of all the poll workers in the city.  This wouldn’t have been a big deal, however, the President of Konnech Inc., Eugene Yu has now been arrested because he has been using servers in China to handle all the data for his company.  The problem with that is that all that data on election personnel is in the hands of the communist Chinese government.  This whole story is just breaking and unfolding, a number of cities and counties have already cancelled their contracts with Konnech Inc., let’s watch Milwaukee and what they do.  We’ll follow-up on this next week.

Double Voting?

We are just starting another investigation that we haven’t even titled yet, however; it could end up being titled double voting.  We learned from our friends in Michigan that a number of people’s names popped up on the voter rolls who no longer live in Michigan.  East Lansing is where Michigan State is headquartered, students from all over the country attend.  In having a close look at the database of voters, it was learned that a concerning number of students who had voted in MI while attending college are still voting in MI even though they now have moved out of state.

It is very Likley that we’ll find the same phenomenon here in Wisconsin. We are now running queries in the WisVote database to determine how many people we have voting here in the state but yet maintain residency elsewhere. This will be another investigation that will take time and resources. We need your continued support!

Wisconsin Voter Alliance Petition to Remove Madison Drop Boxes

October 10, 2022

Dear Wisconsin Voter Alliance Supporters,

The City of Madison has refused to remove their illegal drop boxes from their communities and has instead turned them in left leaning political propaganda. Please sign the following petition to have Madison officials remove these historical monuments of election fraud and corruption.

Update on Adjudicated Voter Investigation

October 3, 2022

Thanks to our donors, we were able to acquire the two new WisVote databases over the past two months that revealed something very interesting.  We now can prove, without question, that WEC is changing the database headings with no authority.  Furthermore, when WEC says “we don’t make entries into the database, that is for the municipal clerks to do”. Pure hogwash!  Early next week I will provide all the details about this newly discovered mess that is created by WEC.

Meantime, as part of our ongoing investigation into the ineligible wards voting we are making progress.  We emailed every one of the 1,852 municipal clerks across the state this week, and provided them an overview of the seriousness of having people vote who are not authorized to vote.  I have attached that document Here. IMPORTANT— make sure you follow the links in this letter so you can fully understand the issue.

I also have attached a letter written to the Legislators by WEC in which WEC is informing clerks it is their responsibility to update the database for those people adjudicated incompetent and have had their voting rights rescinded.  Just one little problem with that.  WEC is the entity that is receiving this information from the Registers in Probate and they aren’t getting it to the clerks!

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to us because WEC has an established pattern of pointing to others when it is their actions that are causing the problems.

September 8, 2022

Big day for Wisconsin Voter Alliance as this morning the WVA was the complainant on a HAVA complaint filed with the Wisconsin Election Commission. WEC has 90 days to respond to this complaint that deals with the fact that WEC’s agreement with Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) permitting ERIC database sharing and database uses are in violation to WI Statute § 6.36 (1)(ae). ERIC is a leftist funded organization that has full access to the WisVote database. Having full access to our state voting database opens the door to malfeasance. This door needs to be closed!

Also, today, Thomas More Attorney Erick Kaardal testified at the Wisconsin Assembly Elections and Campaign Committee on this topic, his full testimony was carried by and is available here.

September 7, 2022

Tomorrow morning at 10 A, Erick Kaardal will be testifying at the Assembly Elections and Campaign Committee meeting.  You can view this at  Don’t miss this important testimony from TMS Attorney Erick Kaardal who will be introducing our HAVA complaint that will be filed tomorrow morning.

HAVA complaint

This may be the most important litigation we have filed thus far as Wisconsin Statutes § 6.36 (1)(ae) agreements with ERIC permitting ERIC database sharing and database uses are violations of HAVA (Help America Vote Act).

We are 5 for 5 wins on our Ballot Drop Box suits
Yesterday the city of Milwaukee capitulated and gave us our fifth win on our ballot drop box suits.  The City of Milwaukee along with Green Bay, Kenosha, Racine and Madison have all agreed to changing their local policies and to comply with the WI Supreme Court decision that made drop boxes illegal in Wisconsin.  This is a big win for Wisconsin as we know these five cities, have in the past, been reluctant to accept the ruling and have continuously been trying to find a way to facilitate their ballot harvesting.

Incompetent Voters being allowed to vote
We continue to make headway on our investigation into WEC’s not entering information into the WEC voting database for those persons adjudicated incompetent.  We have confirmed with a number of registers in probate across the state that the number of people that have been adjudicated as  incompetent who should not be voting is probably 15 times greater than 804 that were listed in the WEC database.  That would mean there are approximately 15,000 people in the voting database that are still voting in elections that they shouldn’t be.

This is a long hard slog to get the individual incompetent information from the Registers in Probate in order for us to verify against the WEC database.  The whole issue is ludicrous as the Court system is saying this information is private whilst the WEC database lists all this so-called private information in the open.  No communication between government entities!

Wisconsin Voter Alliance Current Investigations

September 1, 2022

The Wisconsin Voter Alliance and its members have worked closely with TMS Attorney Kaardal over the past 23 months in filing various complaints against WEC and the WI-5 Cities.  We are and have made a difference in holding WEC and the City officials accountable and we will do so going forward.

We are now involved in two major investigations that are taking huge amounts of time, data and resources.  One is the issue of the “adjudicated incompetent” voters, and the other is only days old but proving to be explosive. We have filed in 13 counties to get data on the adjudicated people, but we already have data that proves unequivocally that WEC is not maintaining the database. We will soon be filing suit on the new investigation that is sure to have broad implications.

Thomas More Society Attorneys Achieve Victory Over Violations of Election Law

September 1, 2022

Following is the Thomas More Society press release on the victory in Green Bay.

Green Bay became the fourth Wisconsin city to back down in the face of voter lawsuits over the use of unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes in elections. A Brown County Circuit Court hearing was the scene of the Thomas More Society’s latest election integrity victory for Wisconsin voters. On August 31, 2022, the attorney for Green Bay told the presiding judge that the city will no longer use the illegal ballot drop boxes in elections. Green Bay’s defense was declared moot following a July 8, 2022, Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling affirming that the absentee ballot drop boxes are illegal and that the Wisconsin Election Commission’s advisory opinion to the state’s municipal clerks that they could use these boxes was legally unauthorized.

The Thomas More Society filed the lawsuit against Green Bay on May 25, 2022, representing Wisconsin voters Theresa Sipes and Donald Schneider. The case argued that the city’s use of absentee ballot drop boxes violated state election law.

The briefing on the motion to dismiss included claims by the City of Green Bay that all legal issues were rendered moot by the city’s agreement to abide by the state’s Supreme Court’s decision. That ruling prohibits the use of absentee ballot drop boxes, and specifically passed judgement against the Wisconsin Election Commission.

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal noted that the city’s acquiescence and the court’s dismissal were expected. Similar results were delivered against the City of Kenosha in Kenosha County Circuit Court on August 23, 2022, and the City of Racine in Racine County Circuit Court on August 26, 2022.

“This is indeed a victory for the voters,” declared Kaardal. “Wisconsin’s elections have been riddled with illegal practices as a result of financial inducement by a partisan player infusing the state’s electoral process with dark money. We are pleased that the Wisconsin Supreme Court has vindicated our lawsuits by affirming the use of these unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes as illegal. However, there is still much work to be done the root out the infection that has corrupted the Wisconsin vote.”

The final hearing on the illegal drop box lawsuits brought by voters against the City of Milwaukee is scheduled to take place on September 8, 2022. Engstrand v. City of Milwaukee et al. is set to convene in Milwaukee County Circuit Court at 2:30 p.m. (Central).

A similar hearing was scheduled on September 8, 2022, for Gilligan v. City of Madison, et al., but is unnecessary because of the City of Madison’s representations to not use the absentee ballot drop boxes in future elections. The parties stipulated to dismissal of the complaint because the City of Madison agreed with plaintiffs that unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes are illegal.

“You Won, Ms. Weidner”  –No Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes in Racine, Wisconsin for the 2022 Election! 

August 26, 2022

On August 26, a court hearing was held in Racine County (WI) Circuit Court in Sandy Weidner v. City of Racine, et al.  The legal issue presented was whether the City of Racine would use absentee ballot drop boxes in the November 2022 election.

This case originated with a lawsuit filed in the Wisconsin Elections Commission on January 27, 2022.  The Wisconsin Elections issued a decision denying the complaint on April 28.  The circuit court complaint was filed in May.  In June, the City of Racine moved to dismiss.

Critically, on July 8, 2022, while the Racine County Circuit Court case was pending, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in a different case that the Wisconsin Election Commission’s advisory opinion to Wisconsin’s municipal clerks that they could use absentee ballot drop boxes was legally unauthorized.

The briefing on the motion to dismiss included the City of Racine claiming all legal issues were rendered moot by the City of Racine agreeing to abide by the Supreme Court’s decision prohibiting absentee ballot drop boxes.  The Plaintiff responded by claiming that the lawsuit challenged the city policy, not the Wisconsin Election Commission’s policy, authorizing absentee ballot drop boxes, and, until, the Racine Common Council adopts a resolution renouncing the policy, the lawsuit is not moot.

At the August 26 hearing, the Racine County Circuit Court judge disagreed, calling the Plaintiff’s mootness argument “stubborn.”  The judge stated that the parties were no longer adverse and Racine would follow the law and not use unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes in the election because the Racine City Attorney said so.  The complaint was dismissed on mootness and technical grounds.  The judge stated, “You won, Ms. Weidner.”

Thomas More Society Attorney Erick Kaardal commented, “The judge is correct.  You won, Ms. Weidner.  You set out to stop Racine from the illegal use of drop boxes. Today, the Racine County Attorney came to court and stated that they would not illegally use them in future elections.  The Court relied on the representation of the Racine City Attorney.  Of course, we stubbornly wanted more—specifically the Racine Common Council renouncing its illegal policy.  But, as the Rolling Stones lyrics go, ‘You can’t always get what you want; But if you try sometime you’ll find, You get what you need.’”

The WVA is making headway in the Wisconsin Election Integrity arena.  We are in the middle of the incompetent voter investigation now and it is taking a tremendous amount of time.  We need your support by helping our membership grow and to assist us financially.

What Winning Looks Like in Wisconsin on Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

August 23, 2022

Today, we won our legal arguments against absentee ballot drop boxes used by the City of Kenosha.  Our complaint filed on May 25th against the city of Kenosha argued the City of Kenosha’s policy concerning the use of absentee ballot drop boxes violated state law.

Kenosha Assistant City Attorney Bryan Charbogian had filed a motion to dismiss the complaint in June. But, as a result of the Wisconsin Supreme Court July 8 ruling on drop boxes, however, when he arrived in court today, he changed his argument to mootness meaning the plaintiff won the case and therefore there was nothing left to argue.  Attorney Charbogian, as a city attorney and employee, indicated the city would not use drop boxes again.

WVA Attorney Erick Kaardal refuted that argument as the city had not changed their 2020 policies concerning drop boxes and argued that the case should not be dismissed for mootness until such time the Kenosha Common Council repeals current drop box policy.

But Judge Kerkman agreed with City Attorney Charbogian and informed the city that it would have to comply with the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the drop box laws. And, further, in the event Attorney Kaardal and his plaintiff find the City not in compliance, Judge Kerkman invited Attorney Kaardal to come back and sue the city again.

The case was dismissed without prejudice based on the City of Kenosha’s representations it would never use absentee ballot drop boxes again—as required by the Supreme Court in the Tiegen.

WVA attorney commented, “Today was a big win for rule of law. Kenosha, a serial violator of election law, promised to comply with election law in court today. That is winning! And, there’s more winning to come.”

Legal Maneuvering by WEC

August 22, 2022

Written By: Erick Kaardal

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) has been engaging in an interesting administrative maneuver which you should know about.

Wisconsin Statutes section 5.06 authorizes citizens to file administrative complaints against their election officials for violating election laws. When they do so, they are entitled to receive any papers filed by the election in their defense, and to appeal to the circuit court if WEC dismisses the complaint.

Wisconsin Statutes section 5.05 authorizes WEC to investigate, upon complaint or otherwise, election officials who have purportedly violated the law.  This administrative process allows election officials’ response to be filed confidentially and does not allow for a citizen-complainant to file an appeal in circuit court if WEC dismisses the complaint.

It is important that citizens file section 5.06 complaints because of the extra rights involved there—receiving copies of the government’s response and the right to appeal an adverse decision of WEC.

But, on August 12, 2022, WEC threw a curveball in a section 5.06 proceeding initiated by Green Bay residents against WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe for giving legally unauthorized advice on clerks using unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes.   The WEC attorney wrote that the section 5.06 complaint would be handled under section 5.05:

Dear Messrs. Bellavia, Kilpatrick, and Kaardal: 

We have completed our review of the Complaint in this matter and have prepared an extensive memo to the Commission. Although the Complaint states on its face that it is brought pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 5.06, the Complaint alleges a violation of Wis. Stat. § 12.13.  Therefore, the Commission is required by law to determine such matter under the confidential procedures applicable to Wis. Stat. § 5.05 complaints.

Accordingly, the Commission will consider the Complaint in this matter as if the Complainants had designated it as brought pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 5.05.

We will be back in touch as and when necessary.

Sincerely yours,

Jon P. Axelrod

Deborah C. Meiners

WEC, by doing so, is terminating the citizen-complaint’s right to a copy of the government’s response and to appeal an adverse decision to WEC.

Of course, it is possible that WEC will do a proper investigation under section 5.05 and find an illegality.  But, if it doesn’t, then the citizen-complainants are left without a right to appeal—at least under the government’s theory.

Thomas More Society and WVA will continue to pursue this claim and other claims in WEC.  Now, you know how worthy an adversary WEC is and what they are doing to frustrate the section 5.06 process where citizens sue their election officials who violate election law.

“No Vote” Guardianship Investigation is Maddening and Tedious

August 21, 2022

As you have been following, the WVA, along with TMS have filed Petitioned Writs of Mandamus in the WI counties of Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, Dane and Brown in order to obtain confidential information related to “no vote” guardianship (GN 3180 forms) orders. One after another, in copy-cat fashion these counties submitted requests to the courts to dismiss our request.

Over the next two weeks we will be in court to argue why these requests should not be dismissed and why we need this information. Schedule for these hearings is listed below, we believe might broadcast a couple of these hearings, if they do, we’ll get that info out to you.

Scheduled Court Hearings

8/23/22  11 am Kenosha County Circuit Court Motion to Dismiss Hearing
8/26/22 9:30 am Racine County Circuit Court Motion to Dismiss Hearing
8/31/22 10 am Brown County Circuit Court (Green Bay) Motion to Dismiss Hearing (Zoom)
9/8/22  10:30 am Dane County Circuit Court (Madison) Motion to Dismiss Hearing (Zoom)
9/8/22 2:30 pm Milwaukee County Circuit Court Motion to Dismiss Hearing

I have attached a copy of our Brown County filing as well as Brown County’s request to dismiss.
Motion to Dismiss
Brown County Filing

Now let me explain how maddening this process is.  According to the Registers in Probate and their respective County Corporate Counsels, the information we are seeking is “private and confidential” and cannot be released. We are seeking; last name, first name, DOB, address of those county residents who have been adjudicated as incompetent and have had their voting rights curtailed by a court order.  Here is the disconnect!

In the WisVote database, which we have acquired, there are residents flagged as “incomp” which means they are not to vote.  Guess what?  The listing in the WisVote database, which is open to the public, they have “incomps” listed to include last name, first name, address, but no DOB, so the question is, why is this information confidential with the Court system and yet with WEC it is not?

The Brown County Corporate Counsel tried his best to work with us on this issue and sent me a sample document that was redacted to illustrate the information he thought they could legally release.  Here is a copy of that document with the redactions.  For our use it is worthless as it provides none of the information we need, and it would cost us $6,700 in Brown County alone to have all the pages of the 711 GN 3180 forms produced.

Redacted 711 GN 3180

August 17 , 2022

WVA has its first employee & other news.

Wisconsin Voter Alliance has its first employee in Zak Niemierowicz.  Zak joined us this week as “Administrator” of Wisconsin Voter Alliance.  I needed help, plain and simple, and as I am a little older, I decided a succession plan would be for WVA going forward.

I had actually recruited Zak to work in the office of the Special Counsel to work with Mike Gableman, so Zak is hitting the ground running as he has been immersed in the voting integrity issue almost a year already.  He brings a lot of new ideas to WVA which is important. Here is a brief bio for Zak.  Yes, I know, I could have found someone with an easier name to pronounce! 

Zak Niemierowicz (Knee-mer-row-vich)

A graduate of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee with a degree in Human Resources. Employed by the Wisconsin Office of the Special Counsel (OSC) as his Chief Administrator. I routinely performed managerial tasks for the OSC as well as organized the IT logistics of the office. Traveled around Wisconsin and other states to network with individuals working on election integrity issues.

I attended Marquette University for three years and was part of the Air Force ROTC Program. I completed my field training at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. As an underclassman, I was very active in the area of the recruiting process and in recognition of my work I was chosen by Detachment 930 to become the Cadet Recruiting and Color Guard Officer for the Milwaukee area. I was responsible for the scheduling, training, and completion of color guard events around the community including events at the Fiserv Forum, Miller Park, Veterans Park, and various Marquette associated venues. I was also responsible for recruiting new cadets for the ROTC program by hosting events at local Milwaukee High Schools.

During my free time I enjoy visiting national parks around the country. I also enjoy playing in American Cribbage Congress tournament events, and I am also a big supporter of the Bucks, Brewers, Packers, Badgers, and Golden Eagles.

Registers in Probate update on Wards under Guardianship

As you may recall, we had filed Writs of Mandamus in 13 Wisconsin Counties to obtain information on those local residents who are Wards under Guardianship.  In order for us to check the WisVote database for those individuals we need specific information like first name, last name, DOB, address.  With that information we can query the WisVote database.  Once again, thanks to those folks who donated and provided us with the funds to acquire a current WisVote database.

When I first went out to the 72 counties with requests for information I was fortunate enough to have 13 counties reply with “CCAP Quick Search” information that gave me some meaningful data county by county, and, with the quick search there was no conflict with private information.  So, in the last two days, we went back to the 59 counties that didn’t provide “quick search” data and requested that specifically.  We already have received several counties “quick search” data, and our theory is being buoyed and holding true to our first assumptions.  Our assumption was that with 72 counties having a total of 804 wards under guardianship was totally incorrect with the real number being 20 times greater than that, or 16,000 people who are not properly noted in the WisVote database.  We are now in the process of receiving court dates on our first 13 suits in this arena and will keep you informed on progress.

Meantime, thank you for your continued support, feel free to share this email with your friends and family and ask them to become a member of the WVA!

July 26 , 2022

PRESS RELEASE – 7/26/2022


              Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA) and Thomas More Society (TMS) are continuing their Wisconsin nursing home voting investigation.  Recent information obtained from Wisconsin County Registers in Probate reveal a massive WisVote underreporting of wards under ‘no vote’ guardianship orders.

Thirteen County Registers in Probate responded to WVA inquiries regarding the number of wards under guardianship orders.  The numbers reported by the 13 court officials confirm that WisVote is likely underreporting wards under ‘no vote’ guardianship orders.  The information collected from the 13 county registers in probate is shown below and compared to the WisVote Database numbers:

(1)WisVote (2)Reported by
County Database #s Registers in Probate
Brown County 54 829
Crawford County 4 47
Juneau County 6 130
Kenosha County 5 449
Lafayette County 7 120
Langlade County 2 52
Marquette County 0 80
Ozaukee County 0 219
Polk County 7 220
Taylor County 2 85
Vernon County 19 49
Vilas County 16 120
Walworth County 1 157
123 2505

(1) Numbers in this column represent the number of persons who are listed in the WisVote database as being incompetent
(2) Numbers represented in this column have been provided to WVA after the Registers in Probate in those counties completed a “quick search” in their database

The data collected from the 13 Registers in Probate points to a massive underreporting problem in the WisVote data system.  These 13 counties have approximately 2,505 wards under ‘no vote’ guardianship orders while the WisVote database only shows 123 ineligible incompetents—that is less than 5% of the ineligible voters whose ineligibility is confirmed by a specific ‘no vote’ guardianship order.  Applying these numbers statewide, there should be approximately 16,000 to 20,000 wards under ‘no vote’ guardianship orders in the WisVote database.

“Once we ran the queries in the WisVote database and saw 17 counties with zero wards under guardianship we were determined to find out how this could occur.  Judges, adjudicate, Registers in Probate coordinate getting that information to Wisconsin Elections Commission and Wisconsin Elections Commission is charged with entering that information into the WisVote database.  That isn’t happening,” noted Ron Heuer, President of the Wisconsin Voter Alliance.

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal notes, “Of course, the most important question, the one that pertains to elder abuse, is whether these wards with no voting rights are registered, active voters, are sent absentee ballots automatically as ‘indefinitely confined,’ and are currently voting.  Those are the big questions that need to be answered before November election. Who knows some of those elections could be close?  If thousands and thousands of ineligible wards are voting, we won’t know who won the close elections in November.”

Earlier, the ongoing nursing home investigation had turned up examples of wards under ‘no vote’ guardianship order continuing to be a registered, active voters, sent absentee ballots and voting in subsequent elections.   Sandra Klitzke, for example, is a ward under a ‘no vote’ guardianship order, dated February 21, 2020, but continued to be a registered, active voter, sent absentee ballots and voted in subsequent elections.  On February 21, 2020, the Outagamie County Circuit Court filed a guardianship order appointing a guardian and Sandra Klitzke a ward without the right to vote.  After the November 2020 election, a check of WisVote voting records was made to see if Sandra Klitzke voted.   The WisVote records indicated that Klitzke voted in the November 3, 2020, election and the April 6, 2021 election.  On March 30, 2022, a check of WisVote voting records was made to see if Sandra Klitzke is registered and active to vote.  The WisVote voting records indicated that Klitzke has requested and been sent an absentee ballot for the April 5, 2022, election.

The joint investigation now turns to obtaining from the Registers in Probate the otherwise confidential guardianship information.  On July 26, 2022, WVA and Thomas More Society filed petitions for writ of mandamus in 13 counties (Brown, Crawford, Juneau, Kenosha, Lafayette, Langlade, Marquette, Ozaukee, Polk, Taylor, Vernon, Vila and Walworth Counties) to obtain the respective county’s guardianship information.  When that guardianship information is obtained, it can be checked against the publicly available WisVote database to determine the extent of the voter fraud and elder abuse.

Kaardal commented, “Our investigative hypothesis is that the progressive groups have lined up nursing home directors in urban cities to vote the nursing home populations at a 100% voting rate.  By the Wisconsin Elections Commission not entering the names of the wards who are under ‘no vote’ guardianship orders, the nursing home directors do not have to be bothered by a question such as which residents have lost their right to vote by court order? It’s quite ingenious really.  And the big, progressive talking point, is ‘elderly people have the right to vote’; but, that talking point is simply not true for those wards under a ‘no vote’ guardianship order.  It appears there are up to 20,000 of them who don’t appear in the WisVote database.  How many are currently voting? We are going to find out.”

Ron Heuer
President, Wisconsin Voter Alliance

July 19 , 2022

WVA and Thomas More Society (TMS) have taken on a huge investigation that ultimately will prove there are potentially hugh numbers of wards under a “no vote” guardianship who are not listed as incompetent in the WisVote database.

This investigation is massive because it requires us to pursue data in each Wisconsin county.  What we have uncovered early is disturbing and indicates there are large numbers of wards who have been placed under “no Vote” guardianship who are still voting.

What prompted this investigation was the nagging question, how many people who have been adjudicated by the courts to be incompetent are not listed in the WisVote database? Much earlier when we were investigating the abnormally high voter turnout in nursing homes we found even people who had been adjudicated incompetent had voted, we filed suits in both Dane and Outagamie Counties on those two cases.

What’s worse is we also found those same people were not listed in the WisVote database as incompetent. This is an area ripe for cheating where you have workers in the nursing homes ordering up absentee ballots for the residents and in turn voting them.

In my previous email of July 7th, I provided information that displayed, by county the number of people who are marked as incompetent in the WisVote database. That is also on our website.  That became the beginning point of the investigation, and I am happy to report our assumptions are proving to be true.  Over the past two weeks, we’ve collected enough data from Registers in Probate across the state that indicates we are on to something bigger than originally imagined.

We have some heavy lifting over the next few weeks in analyzing data we are collecting.  Once the data is collected, we need to match it against the WisVote database.

WVA needs a bit of financial help here.  In order for us to match the data we are collecting against the WisVote database, we need a current copy of the WisVote database.  The one database we used earlier is already over a year old.  WEC sells that database for $12,500.  So, if we can find 125 people who contribute $100 each, we will have the funds to acquire that database.

This is the most important work we’ve done to date.  We believe this investigation will have national implications.

Two other newsworthy items.

  • Remember how the “indefinitely confined” numbers exploded, from some 47,000 in 2016 to 76,000 in the spring of 2020 and then up to 272,000 in November of 2020?  Some good news on that front, the number is, as of July 15, now 115,000.  That is a reduction of indefinitely confined in the database of 157,000.  You can thank the Republican Party and the municipal clerks for that work.
  • Wisconsin has played a key role in ferreting out voting malfeasance issues.  Follow this link to read how 7 of 21 confirmed illegalities and irregularities of the 2020 election were investigated and found out in Wisconsin.

July 8 , 2022

Big win today in Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision Banning Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

Today the Wisconsin Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision in Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, has determined that unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes are illegal under Wisconsin election law. This decision brings resolution to a key issue in the accusations of election bribery that originally arose in the state’s November 2020 general election.

This ruling will now afford Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA) and Thomas More Society (TMS) attorney Kaardal to able to deliver wins to voters who have filed lawsuits about the drop boxes in the Circuit Courts of five counties, and who have accused the Wisconsin Election Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe of violating her duties under Wisconsin election law.

Ballot Drop Boxes have been, and are, Unauthorized by Law, as Wisconsin Stat. § 6.87(4)(b)1. provides, in relevant part, that absentee ballots “shall be mailed by the elector, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk issuing the ballot or ballots.”

“This decision reveals just the tip of the iceberg of Wisconsin’s election integrity problems,” TMS attorney Erick Kaardal stated in response to the state’s high court ruling. WVA and Kaardal called out very early in 2021 that the 21 page “Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan” between the Center for Tech and Civic Life and Wisconsin’s five largest cities violated the state law banning absentee ballot drop boxes in the 2020 election.

Under the Center for Tech and Civic Life’s “Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan” dated June 15, 2020, the Zuckerberg funded organization transferred $216,500 for absentee ballot drop boxes to be used in the five cities. The agreement signed by the center and the mayors of Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha, clearly states the intentions to purchase the legally unauthorized unmanned drop boxes.  The illegal drop boxes were a part of the total scheme which included the Zuckerbucks funneled through the Center for Tech and Civic Life to fund “Get Out the Vote Campaigns” directed solely to minority communities in the five Wisconsin cities of Madison, Milwaukee, Kenosha, Racine and Green Bay.

The worst part of all of this is it was all coordinated with the blessing of the Wisconsin Elections Commission.  From correspondence we have received through open records requests, it is obvious there was planning, cooperation, and collusion between the Center for Tech and Civic Life, the Wisconsin Elections Commission, and the Wisconsin 5 mayors who worked in concert to purchase and use the illegal drop boxes in the November 2020 election. Now, all the Wisconsin state courts need to do to clean up Wisconsin elections is to follow the money associated with the privately financed legally unauthorized drop boxes.

“Yes, the 2020 election is over and done with,” Kaardal observed, “But it is incumbent upon us to ensure that the corruption that infected Wisconsin’s voting process in November 2020 is rooted out and that the state’s election integrity is preserved. It is especially important that the Wisconsin Election Commission, the entity charged with safeguarding the state’s election integrity, be above reproach. Wisconsin’s voters deserve to know the truth and they need to be assured that the corruption has been eliminated, allowing for fair and honest elections from this point forward.”

As you may be aware, twenty states have now passed legislation to ban or regulate the acceptance and use of private funds by public election officials.  The Wisconsin legislature passed a ban on private money funding of election administration, but it was vetoed by Gov. Tony Evers.  WVA continues to work with individual counties and cities to pass local ordinances to ban the acceptance of private money for elections.  Most notably, Brown County (where Green Bay is), and Kenosha County boards are in the final stages of passing ordinances banning private money from elections.

Follow this link to ruling. July 8 2022 Wisconsin Supreme Court Drop Box Ruling

July 7, 2022

Elder Abuse voting issues are more widespread than we thought initially

As you may recall, the WVA was very much involved in studying the 2020 voting that occurred in nursing homes and assisted living centers in Wisconsin.  What we uncovered was an extraordinary percentage of registered voters in nursing homes who voted.

We had several families contact us about their loved ones voting in nursing homes.  In fact, it was those families that allowed us (Erick Kaardal, our Thomas More Society lawyer and I) to go into these nursing homes and video those residents.  Some of that video was used in the movie 2,000 mules. This was a learning experience for us and prompted more questions because two of the folks we videotaped had been adjudicated as incompetent years earlier and were still voting.

We had closely analyzed about 100 nursing home facilities and all-in, there was a 98% voting pattern in those nursing homes.  This wasn’t at all normal nor even possible in normal voting patterns.  Further, we found that, in many cases, the voting was supervised by the activity’s director in the nursing home, and in a couple of instances, every absentee ballot envelop from a location were signed/witnessed by the same person. For a few months following that work, we were sidetracked from that project and busy investigating other abnormalities in the voting system.

To refresh your memory.  Wisconsin law reads; a person can vote until such time a court adjudicates a person to be incompetent and the court specifically indicates on that adjudication that “no voting” is allowed. Given that information, we ran a query in the WisVote database by county to determine the number of people listed in WisVote who are marked as incompetent.  What we found were 804 people across the state.  But more telling were the inconsistencies.  I’ve provided the results of that search below.  Seventeen counties had zero people in their counties that were incompetent.  This is not possible.

Now it gets interesting.  We had the data by city and county.  And when a city like Milwaukee had (1) one person adjudicated it seemed very odd.  So, we started our research as to why this might have been.  Proceed below this table for more of the story.

County # of incomps 2021 County Population
Adams County 1               20,654
Ashland County 0               13,027
Barron County 0               46,711
Bayfield County 3               16,220
Brown County 54             268,740
Buffalo County 0               13,317
Burnett County 6               16,526
Calumet County 3               52,442
Chippewa County 17               66,297
Clark County 9               34,659
Columbia County 1               58,490
Crawford County 4               16,113
Dane County 71             561,504
Dodge County 26               89,396
Door County 0               30,066
Douglas County 7               44,295
Dunn County 2               45,440
Eau Claire County 29             105,710
Florence County 0                 4,558
Fond du Lac County 23             104,150
Forest County 1                 4,558
Grant County 1               51,938
Green Lake County 0               19,018
Green County 9               37,093
Iowa County 2               23,709
Iron County 0                 6,137
Jackson County 8               21,145
Jefferson County 2               84,900
Juneau County 1               26,718
Kenosha County 6             169,151
Kewaunee County 5               20,563
La Crosse County 61             120,784
Lafayette County 3               16,611
Langlade County 7               19,491
Lincoln County 2               28,415
Manitowoc County 5               81,359
Marathon County 14             138,013
Marinette County 3               41,872
Marquette County 0               15,592
Menominee County 0                 4,255
Milwaukee County 63             939,489
Monroe County 1               46,274
Oconto County 3               38,965
Oneida County 13               37,845
Outagamie County 20             190,705
Ozaukee County 21               91,503
Pepin County 0                 7,318
Pierce County 4               42,212
Polk County 2               44,977
Portage County 7               70,377
Price County 5               14,054
Racine County 18             197,727
Richland County 2               17,304
Rock County 25             163,687
Rusk County 0               14,188
Saint Croix County 14               93,536
Sauk County 4               65,763
Sawyer County 2               18,074
Shawano County 30               40,881
Sheboygan County 17             118,034
Taylor County 1               19,913
Trempealeau County 2               30,760
Vernon County 1               30,714
Vilas County 19               23,047
Walworth County 16             106,478
Washburn County 1               16,623
Washington County 14             136,761
Waukesha County 41             406,978
Waupaca County 2               51,812
Waushara County 3               24,520
Winnebago County 41             171,730
Wood County 26               74,207
804          5,886,093

To understand how the adjudication process worked, I started making calls to the Registers in Probate in various counties to ensure I had the proper process down.  In talking to those Registers, I learned the 804 number was nowhere near reality and after running various extrapolations of numbers could safely project there to be upwards of 5,000 people who had been adjudicated and should be listed as such in the WisVote database.  Several of the Registers were quite vocal with responses like, “these numbers are nowhere near being close to the number adjudicated in our county, what in the he- – is WEC doing with the forms we send them.

This is how the process is supposed to work;

  1. The circuit court judge adjudicates a person as incompetent and checks the “no voting” box on the adjudication form.
  2. This information is provided to that County Register in Probate
  3. Register in Probate then logs in to the CCap (that is a court system app) and fills out a notification form for WEC.
  4. Register in probate, prints out the form and mails it directly to WEC in Madison

Now the sixty-four thousand question(s). What is WEC doing with them?  Are they throwing them away?  Are they throwing them into some big box?  Why are they not entering this data into the WisVote system?

Well, to get to the next level in this investigation I mailed 72 individually crafted letters to the Registers in Probate that showed them the actual number of people in their counties that are listed as incompetent in the WisVote system.

Not surprisingly I received a initial flurry of activity including a 10PM phone call from a Register in Probate who wanted to talk offline, away from the office.  She told me they have an internal communications system called “list serve” and it lite up like she’d never seen it light up.  Suddenly all the inquiries were turned over to the “County Corporate Counsel” for response, and I started receiving letters that were worded pretty much identical to each other.  I am still amassing that information and I’ve gone out with another letter to each of the counties.  I will write about that in my next report.

With new information we now have from the counties we believe there are well over 10,000 people who should be listed as incompetent in the WisVote system and not voting.

This work is tedious and time consuming and it is expensive, so, if you can afford to help us out on and make a donation it would be appreciated.  Donate to WVA today by following this link.

June 22, 2022
WEC once again not doing their job!  (Nursing Home Voter Abuse)

WVA have been investigating a discrepancy we identified a couple of months ago in the WisVote database.  We ran query of the current WisVote database to see how many people were listed as incompetent (remember, to be listed as incompetent, a court must adjudicate incompetency).  In the entire database, we found 802 people in the entire State that were tagged as incompetent and thus not allowed to vote.  WI Statutes call for these records to be maintained.

A close look at those 802 records revealed 12 counties in the State had ZERO incompetents in their counties.  The entire city of Milwaukee had only one! This is impossible!  After further analysis of those numbers combined with input from a few County Registers in Probate, we concluded that the total number of incompetents that should be listed in the state would more likely be 4,500-5,000 people. This means that about 80-85% of people who have been adjudicated as incompetent by the WI court system are not identified as such in the WisVote system and are still able to vote.  This is a complete failure of WEC who are not doing their job.

The process to get adjudications from Circuit Judges to WEC is simple:

  1. Judge Rules
  2. Clerk of Court passes info to Register in Probate
  3. Register in Probate updates a form in CCAP (WI Court System), prints form and mails to WEC
  4. WEC receives forms and enters info into the WisVote System.

WEC is obviously not entering the data from the Registers in Probate.  We set out to prove our projection, and crafted individual letters to each of the 72 County Registers in Probate. This was not a form letter.  Each county letter was written to include specific numbers that related to that specific county.  However, each letter contained these basic questions.

What we would like to know from you is:

  1. Do your records indicate there is only (a number) person(s) in Your County who has been adjudicated as incompetent?
    B.      If not, how many (Your County Name) County residents have been adjudicated over the past 5 years from 2016-2021? (numbers, not names).
    C.      An estimate, if available, of how many residents on average have been adjudicated annually for the period 2016-2021?

Note:  We did not request any information that is personal in nature as we had read the statutes prior to constructing the letters.

We are being stonewalled by the Court System.  There must have been an email or letter sent to all the Registers in Probate to answer our request with specific verbiage provided to them as we are receiving letters, one after another, rejecting to provide any information pursuant to WI Stats 19.35 and 54.25.  However, there are several unnamed counties that share our concerns and are providing data that absolutely supports our position.

This is an investigation in progress, so I will update you later with detail after we wrap it up.

Two other Items of Importance

Turning Wisconsin Red is continuing to make headway.  We now have 28 Wisconsin Counties engaged at one level or another in banning Zuckerbucks (private money) in our elections.  The note worthy item here though is, our neighboring State just had Livingston County pass the same ordinance.  WVA takes pride in having helped them get the project launched in Michigan.  Erick Kaardal participated in that county board meeting by providing an overview of why this is a good idea.  The Capital Research folks are keeping score of the number of States and Counties that are banning private money in elections.

WVA Website has been updated and refreshed thanks to the help of Joe and Diane Bast.  Joe Bast was the founder of and former President and CEO of The Heartland Institute, an American nonprofit conservative and libertarian public policy think tank based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Joe and Diane offered help, and I took it.  Joe is a great writer and Diane is great at building websites, so the two of them took on that project.  WVA thanks Joe and Diane.  They have developed a Wisconsin Patriots Toolbox that can be visited with this link.

June 14, 2022
Changes in our Litigation

Last week, the Dane County Circuit Court Judge Judge Ehlke held that the circuit court will not order the WEC to investigate unless the complainant’s administrative complaint to WEC is very specific as to statutory violation and information supporting the violation.

This opinion was news to us because the statute (Wisconsin Statutes section 5.06) doesn’t say this.  However, considering the circuit court ruling, we are going to focus on a new round of complaints with specific allegations against the municipal clerks.  These have already been filed in all WI-5 Counties, see Madison filing here Madison Complaint .  We are voluntarily dismissing the complaints in Racine, Kenosha, Brown and Milwaukee Circuit Courts as it is our opinion those complaints that mirrored the Dane County complaint will suffer the same fate as Dane County.

WEC prevailed in Dane County Circuit Court establishing a legal standard of specificity for WEC complaints and that a lack of specificity in a WEC complaint meant the forfeiture doctrine applied.  However, Unknown to the Judge, and the WEC and Madison attorneys was that we were ahead of them on this issue as we had already filed these five very specific drop box suits on May 25th.

These new complaints deal with the local mayors and clerks use of drop boxes which have been found by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to be illegal.  If the drop boxes that were paid for with over $215,000 of Zuckerberg money are illegal, what about the Zuckerberg money?  Was that too illegal?

Holding WEC accountable to any standard seems to be quite a challenge as the way the organization is set up and structured.  We will explain that in an upcoming article.

Holding WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe Accountable

Today we are filing a new complaint in Brown County Drop Box Complaint Against Administrator Meagan Wolfe.  This complaint is simple, straight to the point, just as the Judge suggested.  Read it yourself, in a nutshell, the complaint holds Administrator Wolfe responsible for two directives she put out to the 1,852 clerks in WI concerning the use of drop boxes.  She had no legal authority to do so. It is time she is held accountable.

A WVA Initiative, Turning Wisconsin Red

As we are all painfully aware, our Gov Evers has vetoed every election integrity bill passed by the legislature.  This leaves Wisconsin exposed to the evils of outside money in our elections. WVA has been working across the state to have counties and cities pass local ordinances banning the use of private money in their elections.  We are making headway, and we understand some counties will not touch this issue as they are strongly to the left and supportive of their elections being manipulated.  The WI Map below shows the progress we are making.  If any of you have contacts with local elected officials at county or city level, please let us know so we can get them engaged in this effort.

May 25, 2022
WI-5 Cities Receive New Lawsuits

Today, May 25th, with the help of our plaintiffs in the WI-5 Cities, and Erick Kaardal of the Thomas More Society we filed lawsuits over the use of illegal unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes in elections.

Wisconsin election law precluded the use of unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes for voting, and yet each of these cities implemented them, despite their illegality.  In 2020, the cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha, and Green Bay made an agreement with the nonprofit Center for Tech and Civic Life to use the drop boxes to get these cities’ residents to vote.  This was part of the so-called ‘Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan that involved $8.8 million of private grants to these five cities, to target specific populations to vote. It had little, if anything at all to do with keeping voters safe from Covid-19, as it purported to do.”

The lawsuits came only after the Wisconsin Elections Commission refused in April 2022 to investigate each of the five cities for violating Wisconsin law as it pertains to unmanned drop boxes. The commission’s refusal to investigate came after the Waukesha County Circuit Court conclusively determined in January 2022, in a case involving the Wisconsin Election Commission, that the unmanned drop boxes were legally unauthorized under Wisconsin law.

“Our plaintiffs have done everything in their power to get the Wisconsin Elections Commission to investigate the WI-5 cities for their policies of using the illegal drop boxes and yet WEC  refuses to investigate these known illegalities” said Kaardal. Because the Wisconsin Elections Commission has made itself irrelevant, we now turn to the great circuit courts of Brown, Dane, Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine Counties for judicial remedies to prevent these cities from using illegal drop boxes as they did, by agreement and with private funding, in the November 2020 election. Never again.”

Read the Complaints filed on May 25, 2022, in the Wisconsin circuit courts of Brown, Dane, Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine Counties by Thomas More Society attorneys on behalf of Wisconsin voters alleging election violations:

  • Theresa A. Sipes & Donald E. Schneider v. City of Green Bay and Celestine Jeffreys, City Clerk in Circuit Court of Brown County here.
  • Dean Romano v. City of Kenosha and Debra Gimler or her successor, City Clerk – Interim in Circuit Court of Kenosha County here.
  • Jodell Ann Gilligan v. City of Madison and Maribeth Witzel-Behl, City Clerk in Circuit Court of Dane County here.
  • Jim Engstrand v. City of Milwaukee, Claire Woodall-Vogg – Executive Director of Milwaukee Elections Commission, and Jim Owczarski, City Clerk in Circuit Court of Milwaukee County here.
  • Sandy Weidner v. City of Racine and Tara Coolidge, City Clerk in Circuit Court of Racine County here.

May 18, 2022
Summation of May 17th Dane County Circuit Court Hearing

Yesterday, Attorney Erick Kaardal argued on behalf of our plaintiffs in Dane County Circuit Court with Judge Ehlke presiding.  I was in the courtroom with Erick and immediately upon hearing Judge Ehlke’s opening remarks it was apparent that Ehlke was not going to be objective in his treatment of the plaintiffs and Kaardal.

I made notes in order to report the essence of the hearing myself, but one of our members, Joe Bast, copied me on an email he had written summarizing the hearing.  Quite frankly, he did a much better job than I could have and he agreed to let me distribute his summary:

Friends, did anyone else watch this? My brief reactions, as a nonlawyer:

Judge Stephen Ehlke was hostile toward Erick Kaardal, attorney for the plaintiffs, often dismissive of his arguments, and seemed to be a lightweight on matters of fact and the law. He dismissed Kaardal’s central arguments as “ridiculous” on several occasions.

Early on, Judge Ehlke sought to distinguish “facilitate” versus “inducement,” claiming that what the defendants did merely facilitated the voting of citizens during an exceptionally challenging time (the pandemic), and did not constitute “inducement” as the term is used in law making it illegal to induce, generally with financial rewards, someone to vote for a particular candidate. Statutory law, Judge Ehlke said, gives clerks lots of power and latitude on how to run their elections. Allowing drop boxes and encouraging mail-in voting, he said, were “reasonable accommodations.”

Kaardal pointed out that the “inducement” language wasn’t limited to attempts to get people to vote for a particular candidate, but included get-out-the-vote efforts generally. He also stressed that the suit was not aimed at bringing criminal charges, only a civil action. Pointing out how close the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), clerks, and mayors came to illegal inducement served to demonstrate the seriousness of the transgressions the plaintiffs believe occurred. The subtle distinction seemed to be lost on Judge Ehlke, who throughout the hearing expressed disbelief that what CTCL et al. did constitute “inducement.”

Judge Ehlke made vague references several time to how other courts have dismissed issues being raised in this litigation and how a Supreme Court decision on the legality of drop boxes was expected by the end of June, which he said should “satisfy” the plaintiffs. Kaardal argued that this case raised issues very specific to how decisions by the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) are made and can be appealed. Moreover, while Wisconsin does not have a law banning private money in elections (another bill vetoed by Gov. Evers) it does have a very explicit laws banning drop boxes and inducements to vote. Judge Ehlke seemed not to hear or care, and implied more than once that he had already decided to follow the path he perceived to be taken by other courts.

Judge Ehlke, before the defense even had its chance to present, asserted that the clerks were acting in good faith by following the guidance they received from WEC, so it is “ridiculous” to claim that what they did was wrong because it was only later established (by a Supreme Court ruling) that the guidance was incorrect. At the time of their actions, he said, they thought they were making the right decisions. Kaardal said, more than once, that the “acting in good faith” argument has some merit, but the case is not about that, or about reversing the results of the 2020 election, but instead about providing legal clarity for future elections. The judge once again seemed unable to grasp the distinction.

Judge Ehlke fell hard for the silly argument that, as he expressed it, “if drop boxes were already illegal in 2020, why did the legislature have to pass a bill in 2022 (vetoed by the governor, I guess) banning them? That doesn’t make any sense.” Unfortunately, Kaardal didn’t say “it does make sense, your honor, because the WEC ignored the plain language of existing law when they issued their guidance and again when they rejected our complaint, and this court appears likely to allow them to get away with it; the legislature apparently wanted to make their intent so clear that even you could see it.”

Judge Ehlke dismissed as irrelevant the plain language of the agreement between CTCL and the mayors making grant money contingent on the mayors setting up drop boxes and engaging in GOTV activities in Democrat-heavy districts. He didn’t know the agreements specifically called for this action. When Kaardal called it to his attention, he said something to the effect that “of course grant makers set conditions on their grants, that happens all the time.” Kaardal said, of course, but in this case the conditions included inducements to break election laws.

Judge Ehlke said it was “preposterous” to claim that the city of Madison was an “elector” and therefore subject of the law prohibiting “electors” from inducing others to vote for specific candidates. Kaardal cited legal definitions that clearly include governmental bodies in the definition of “persons.” I’m not sure whether that’s a direct response to the judge’s concern. In any case, the judge made the argument for the defense and the defense attorney eagerly agreed with him.

Only now did defense attorneys begin to make their case. They made a big deal out of the extensive documentation submitted by Kaardal in his original complaint to the WEC, suggesting the plaintiffs dumped so much data on the WEC’s staff that it could not properly review it all, that the plaintiffs were improperly leaving it to the WEC to “sift through the evidence.” Kaardal in his reply said he was only trying to provide as much evidence as possible to WEC to help it conduct an investigation, and that it was incumbent on the WEC, not the plaintiffs, to conduct a full investigation. He respectfully asked the judge to include in his decision language to this effect.

Defense attorneys then argued, somewhat inconsistently I thought, that Kaardal was raising legal arguments and introducing facts that were not contained in the original complaint filed with the WEC, and under the doctrine of forfeiture such arguments and facts should be excluded from the judge’s considerations. Kaardal asked, actually pleaded, for the judge to clarify the rules. Can citizens bringing concerns to the WEC be expected to cite each statute that may have been violated? Must they themselves research the law and investigate every lead prior to submitting a complaint to the WEC? Did he, in the original complaint, submit too much or too little information? Upon appeal, can the citizens’ lawyers really not discuss other evidence that is germane and other laws that may have been violated?

Judge Ehlke didn’t seem able to follow the argument and appeared to accept the defense’s claim that Kaardal was “pivoting” to new claims that did not appear in the original complaint and therefore those claims should not be considered.

The first defense attorney claimed that private funding of elections is no different from private funding of other government agencies and programs and so should not be subject to a higher level of scrutiny. Kaardal pointed out that half a dozen states have now banned private funding of elections, suggesting that they, at least, understand how elections are different from, say, garbage collection and sports stadiums. Judge Ehlke misunderstood this to be an admission that private funding of elections had been legal in other states, and that it is up to legislatures, not judges, to establish policies in this area.

The defense attorney made the phony argument that all municipalities in Wisconsin were eligible to apply for CTCL grants and many others did receive grants. But 80% of the money went to only four cities, cities that are overwhelmingly Democrat. And those cities, and only those cities, got grants to pay for writing and submitting grant requests. She also implied that much of the money went to “plexiglass shields” and other Covid-related safety products and interventions. Perhaps in smaller towns scattered across Wisconsin that was true. In the four big cities, such expenditures were dwarfed by partisan get-out-the-vote projects that, when conducted by public agencies, are plainly illegal.

The second defense attorney claimed there is a long history of municipalities working with private partners to encourage “all citizens to vote.” Kaardal may not have had the opportunity to point out that in this particular case — the only case that matters to this court — the private funding was explicitly aimed at inducing some, not all, citizens to vote, with the expectation that one party would benefit almost exclusively from the expenditure. That is unprecedented in Wisconsin and dangerous to democracy.

Judge Ehlke promised a decision by the end of the month at the earliest, or maybe in the middle of June. He had planned to attend a Brewers game tomorrow, he said from the bench, but his friend cancelled, so he figured he would spend some time tomorrow drafting a decision. A real class act, this judge!

BTW, Joe Bast lives in Appleton and is active with NEW Patriots and Fox Valley Initiative. He and his wife, Diane, started The Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank based in Chicago, in 1984 and led it until they retired in 2018.

May 10, 2022
Green Bay Response to April 5th Ballot Harvesting by Clerk Jeffreys

Pathetic and disgusting were the first words that came to my mind when I read the attached response the city of Green Bay had to a complaint to their ballot harvesting activities on April 5th.  Pathetic and disgusting because rather than simply stating, “we made a mistake, and we won’t do it again.”  Their legal team instead attacks the filing Attorney, the complainant, and current law that doesn’t fit their narrative. City of Green Bay Response

The city of Green Bay would not be under scrutiny had they not so continuously and egregiously disrespected the election laws.  Please take the time to read word for word the woefully weak arguments as represented by Green Bay attorneys Joanne Bungert and Lindsay Mather.   It is unfortunate taxpayers are saddled with salaries and benefits for these partisan players.

I found the argument on page 7 of the response to be totally confusing.  First, they argue a circuit court ruling in another county has no jurisdiction in Green Bay even after that ruling was allowed to stand by the WI Supreme Court.  They go on to say, “the order left questions unanswered” that clerk Jeffreys was left to address “competing considerations.”  Well, we have had no complaints from other municipalities as to how their clerks responded.  They simply complied with the law. There was no reason for Clerk Jeffreys not to comply with the law.

As to the claim of Clerk Jeffreys that the complainant and his witnesses were “loitering in her office,” this is flat out untrue.  Clerk Jeffreys had moved the complainant into the hallway and had closed the door to her office first thing in the morning thus there was no loitering in her office.  Clerk Jefferys has zero credibility and as a result of her not complying with election laws brings further scrutiny and discredit to the election process in Green Bay.

May 4, 2022
Reply to Wall Street Journal Editorial on Wisconsin Election Integrity

Today I submitted to The Wall Street Journal the following letter to the editor responding to an opinion article titled “The Republican Plot to Lose Wisconsin”:

The Journal’s May 2 “Review and Outlook” editorial was totally incorrect and not at all
factual. I appreciate the opportunity to set the record straight.

In 2020, I founded Wisconsin Voter Alliance (WVA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization. During the past 18 months we have conducted thousands of hours of
investigations into the election illegalities in Wisconsin.  With the support of local
plaintiffs, we have supported the filing of about 20 complaints with the Wisconsin
Elections Commission (WEC) against its election officials and election officials in
Wisconsin’s five largest cities: Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Kenosha and Racine.

One of our most important areas of work has been criticizing the funding of illegal
absentee ballot drop boxes and other services in Wisconsin’s largest cities by the Center
for Tech and Civic Life —a total of $8.8 million for the November 2020 election. Our
work has been supported by other national non-profits, including Thomas More Society
and Foundation for Government Accountability.

I was, frankly, shocked that billionaires like George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg could
exert such great influence over state and city election officials in Wisconsin, often in
clear violation of existing election laws, and in ways that very clearly election results. I
came to learn that the same thing happened in the other swings states in the 2020
Presidential election too—like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.

The research and reporting by WVA has been validated by four significant government
reports or orders. First, the Legislative Audit Bureau issued its report in October of 2021
finding dozens of Wisconsin Election Commission legal violations.  Second, the Racine
County Sheriff recommended felony I prosecutions against Wisconsin Election
Commission members for not following Wisconsin law on nursing home absentee voting

Third, the Waukesha County Circuit Court in January 2022 held that the use of absentee
ballot drop boxes funded by the Center for Tech and Civic Life in Milwaukee, Madison,
Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay were illegal under state law.  The Wisconsin Supreme
Court has the matter under review.

Fourth, the Office of Special Counsel in March of 2022, after months of investigation,
found the same violations and more: illegal absentee ballot drop boxes; known non-
citizens voting without state interference; nursing home absentee ballot voting (elder
abuse), including wards under no-vote guardianship orders voting (8 videotapes); and
illegal public-private partnerships to get-out-the-vote and for data sharing with private
entities. The Special Council found grounds for charging Zuckerberg with election
bribery in Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay, as well as serious
federal Electoral Count Act constitutional problems.

On top of these government and court results regarding the 2020 election, WVA has
been supporting the filing of complaints regarding the April 5, 2022 spring election
involving wards who were under no vote guardianship orders nevertheless voting, illegal
absentee ballot harvesting, interference with election observers, non-citizens voting,
unauthorized absentee ballot curing and illegal private-public cooperation to get-out-
the-vote, once again in Wisconsin’s five largest cities.

Since the 2020 state election, 18 states have enacted legislation banning private funding
of election administration.  Wisconsin would have such a law, too, except Governor
Evers, twice, vetoed such legislation.

Given all this, it is not at all unreasonable that Republicans as well as Democrats and
independents in Wisconsin support continued study of what happened during the 2020
and 2022 elections and, moreover, demand that those who engaged in wrongdoing face
real consequences.

Based on the research conducted by WVA and its allies, we know election illegalities
occurred in 2020 and have continued into 2022. If unchecked, such practices will
continue to occur in this year’s midterm elections and the 2024 Presidential election.
This should alarm everyone, everywhere. To claim that Republicans Republicans would
gain some political advantage by not backing these investigations and badly needed
election reforms is short-sighted and simply wrong.

The WVA respectfully submits that the Journal’s editorial board arrived at an erroneous
conclusion based on lack of complete information. The battle over election integrity in
Wisconsin is going to take years to play out. We hope the Journal will be on the right
side of that battle.

April 20, 2022
CTCL is back at it!

Just when you think things are going to slow down a bit, CTCL raises its ugly head and announces “CTCL Launches the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence” and in doing so are rearranging the deck chairs with regard to the level of assistance to local election officials.

This endeavor is being financed by Skoll Foundation, Virgin Unite, The Valhalla Charitable Foundation, ELMA Philanthropies and more.  According to CTCL, The Alliance is a five-year, $80 million strategy to envision, support, and celebrate excellence in U.S. election administration.

Some comments directly from CTCL:  “The U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence will bring together world-class partners so that local election officials no longer have to go it alone.” “Regardless of size or location, local election offices and their staff benefit from being connected with and learning from each other,” said Al Schmidt, President and CEO of the Committee of Seventy and former Philadelphia city commissioner. “I appreciate how the Alliance is centering local election departments – and voters – in their work.”  More accurately stated would be something to the effect; another move to run GOTV (Get Out The Vote) in minority communities as they did in 2020. Coming soon to the swing states!

Here are the organizations who are partnering with CTCL and their role in the Alliance.  When you read their descriptions carefully, and ponder what they really mean, it does not bode well for our 2022 elections, we must be alert to challenge them every step of the way.  This entire “Alliance” has been formed to circumvent the legal election systems designed and operated by our public officials.

  • Center for Tech and Civic Life: The Center for Tech and Civic Life connects Americans with the information they need to become and remain civically engaged and ensure that elections are more inclusive and secure.
  • Center for Civic Design: The Center for Civic Design works with elections offices and advocates across the country, using research, design, accessibility, and plain language to remove barriers in the voter journey and invite participation in democracy.
  • The Elections Group: The Elections Group partners with state and local election officials looking to implement new programs or improve processes for voters and stakeholders. Their team of election experts works quickly to provide guidance, resources, and direct management support for jurisdictions.
  • S. Digital Response: U.S. Digital Response is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that helps governments and organizations respond quickly and efficiently to support the critical needs of the public. Through USDR’s Elections Program, election officials receive simple, effective digital tools and rapid response assistance to meet voters at the speed of need.
  • Center for Secure and Modern Elections: The Center for Secure and Modern Elections aligns bipartisan, pro-voter campaigns in states across the country that modernizes the voting system, making elections more efficient and secure.
  • Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the at Stanford University: The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford was founded in 2005 to prepare a generation of innovators to tackle complex challenges. Referred to as the, the institute brings students and faculty from radically different backgrounds together to develop innovative, human-centered solutions to real world challenges.
  • Prototyping Systems Lab at UC Davis: The Prototyping Systems Lab at UC Davis utilizes elements of design thinking, participatory design, and critical making to create change within complex systems.

Election Integrity will not occur on its own in Wisconsin.  There are elected officials who are charged with running elections in our largest cities that need to be monitored constantly because, well, to put it bluntly, they believe they are above the law.  Tomorrow we are filing yet another complaint in Green Bay that once again proves this point.  I will get that complaint to you as soon as it is filed!

March 31, 2022
Update- Important Outagamie County Filing

WVA busy with filings

In the past three weeks, Erick Kaardal has been busy, and when Erick is busy, typically I am too! We have filed an additional three election bribery complaints in Madison, Milwaukee and Green Bay; these are similar to the election bribery cases filed earlier in Racine and Kenosha.  In each of these filings the respondents are the Mayors and their Clerks. These cases center around the Zuckerberg money being dumped into these cities and relate to the conditions imposed on these cities by the Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan.  Clearly a quid pro quo scenario between CTCL and the cities involved.

In addition, we’ve filed a motion for summary judgement in Racine concerning the city of Racine not responding fully to our open records request.  We have provided ample proof that the city of Racine has not provided us all the information we had requested.  In as much as we can compare information that was submitted by Racine to the Gableman investigation it is simple to prove the city of Racine has not acted in good faith when responding to our open records requests.  This will continue to work its way through the court system.  What is somewhat maddening is how long it takes to receive any responses from the court.

Adjudicated incompetents voting

Today, March 31st, we are filing a complaint against Meagan Wolfe, Administrator of Wisconsin Election Commission, the Outagamie Circuit Court Clerk and Angie Cain, Town Clerk of Grand Chute in the case of Sandra Klitzke.  This is a case where Sandra Klitzke had been adjudicated by the circuit court in Feb 2020 as being incompetent.  Sandra’s daughter Lisa Goodwin of De Pere is her guardian and had made us aware that Sandra had voted in the Nov 3, 2020, election, and a 2021 spring election even though she had been adjudicated as incompetent to vote. Outagamie County WEC Complaint filed March 31, 2022. And here is the video for this complaint: Video in support of Outagamie /WEC complaint.

It seems the entire process of handling the incompetents who have been adjudicated is being mismanaged by WEC.  We have investigated this quite thoroughly and with a great deal of confidence can say WEC appears to be at fault.

What happens after a person is adjudicated in court to be incompetent to vote is; the court clerk notifies the Register in Probate in whatever county of the action.  The Register in Probate accesses a “notice of voting eligibility form” in the WI Circuit Court forms database and completes one of these forms and mails it to WEC.  WEC is supposed to then add this person’s name to the Incompetents list that is maintained by WEC.  It is then left to the municipal clerks to access that incompetent list and update the WisVote database with those changes.

In talking to various register in probate officers, it became apparent that WEC, for whatever reason, is not entering these incompetents in the incompetent lists, therefore clerks are not updating either.  But the problem is much, much greater than that.

We ran a query on the WisVote Nov 8th 2020 database to determine how many people in that database were listed as incompetent.  The total came back with 802 in the entire state.  By analyzing the data from this list, we concluded there should be somewhere between 4,000 – 5,000 incompetents on this list.  We compared the data by city as well as by county.  Some numbers that don’t make sense – we found the city of Milwaukee had 1 person listed as incompetent and we found 11 counties with 0 incompetents.

Billboard update

The boards in Kenosha and Racine (2) each should be going up at the end of next week and then Madison will be erected on May 1st.  I am continuing to work with the Green Bay market to find an available, desirable location.  We’ll get it, I just have to have patience.

March 11, 2022
Finally we get an actual court hearing!

Are you tired of hearing the left saying “there has been no evidence of wide-spread voter fraud in the 2020 election?” Well, that is primarily due to the fact that we haven’t had a chance to get into court and have a Judge listen to our case and our evidence.

We have been prepared for months to lay out how the Zuckerbucks had dramatic influence in favor of the Democrats. Well, that is soon changing as we have now had our hearing notice and we will now be in Dane County Circuit Court on May 15th at 1:30 PM to argue our case against WEC and the City of Madison.

The Judge hearing the case is Circuit Court Judge Stephen E. Ehlke.  Let’s pray for a great court date in May.  This hearing considers the WEC malfeasance, the City of Madison involved with the Zuckerberg operatives and the Election Bribery issues.  Remember, we have filings in 4 other counties, Racine, Kenosha, Milwaukee and Brown.  We will certainly win in one, if not all these counties.  Judge Ehlke has indicated in the scheduling hearing that he will be rendering his decision quickly, prior to June 5th.

Nursing Home Voting Fraud

In Dec of 2021, we worked with multiple families across the State that had a parent in a nursing home that had voted in the 2020 Nov election. We videotaped in 8 separate nursing homes and the results are rather shocking.  The WEC had not dispatched SVDs into the nursing homes for the 2020 election and a great deal of malfeasance occurred. We found, in 93 nursing homes that we investigated, that 99% of the registered voters actually voted when they had already lost their mental capacity to do so.  This is a shortened clip of that video. Nursing Home Fraud Video

Gableman Report

The 136 page Gableman report included reporting on the serial violations of WEC, the WI-5 Mayors and their staff.  There are ten specific areas where WEC and the WI-5 Mayors stepped outside the law(s) during the 2020 election.  Erick Kaardal and I have been out speaking to groups and informing them of those violations.  Here is Erick’s PPT that outlines those violations.

Billboard Campaign Update

Our first month of billboard exposure is coming to a close in Green Bay.  We had a digital billboard there for the first month, and although I would call it a success, I received good feedback indicating the electronic billboard rotated too quickly and people driving past at 70 mph had difficulty understanding the full message.  So, I am now in the hunt for a static board that we can renew our efforts.

We are targeting an April 1 start date for boards in both Kenosha and Racine.  In the case of those two cities, the boards will be smaller, but we have the opportunity to have two messages and we can rotate the location of the boards each month.  We have also begun looking at some of the costs of TV advertising.

March 6, 2022
Gableman Delivers Report

This has been a very busy week with the Office of Special Counsel taking the center stage with Mike Gableman delivering his Office of Special Counsel – 2nd Interim Report to Representative Janel Brandtjen Campaign and Elections committee.  His nearly 3 hour presentation was interesting but did not necessarily follow the actual interim report.

In the early part of the presentation Mr. Gableman suggested that Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) needed to be dissolved, and further he brought up the idea of decertifying the 2020 election.  Regarding WEC, it definitely needs to be reorganized with new leadership and reporting structure. But regardless of that, there will have to be some type of state administrative group that provides services to the clerks throughout Wisconsin.

About the decertification statement, it was unfortunate for two reasons.  First, once that statement was made, the entire press focused their stories on that issue and did not report on the other areas of Mr. Gableman’s report.  By the way, the press did not report the fact that later in Mr. Gableman’s reporting he indicated that it is not possible to decertify given current Wisconsin law. Today, WILL attorney Rich Esenberg was on WISN radio and reiterated there is no legal path of decertifying given our current laws.

Secondly, by bringing up the decertification and having the press focus on that issue, it renewed the debate within the WIGOP and a split between many members of the GOP.  This is exactly what the media loves, having the GOP fighting internally rather than focusing on the issue of unification and winning the next elections.

Over the past sixteen months Erick Kaardal, the Thomas More Society lawyer and I have been conducting investigations into the 2020 election. We amassed a great deal of evidence to support our litigation.  We cooperated fully with the Special Counsel’s Investigation and made available all our investigative material in the following areas: CTCL / WI-5 Cities GOTV Campaigns, Election Certification, Illegal Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes, Election Bribery WI Statute §12.11, Wisconsin Election Commission (malfeasance and involvement), Nursing Home Investigation, Elderly Voting Abuse and Data Sharing.

Following the Gableman presentation, Wisconsin Voter Alliance and Thomas More Society held a press conference at the capitol. You can view that press conference here: Wisconsin Voter Alliance and Thomas More Society Press Conference.  On Wednesday I was invited to appear on the Real Americas Voice, and that interview can be viewed here: Real America’s Voice News.

For some reason, in the last email I sent concerning the billboard we had some folks that couldn’t see the billboard.  So, this time, I am embedding it in the email and also attaching it as a jpg.  Our good friend Ed Perkins from Appleton participated with the Wisconsin Voter Alliance members on this funding for this particular sign.  WVA thanks Ed and all those who have contributed thus far.

For the first month this was an electronic billboard on Hwy 172 in Green Bay, although the electronic billboard is flashy and eye-catching, the 6 second intervals for the sign appearing didn’t seem long enough for people to get the message.  We are moving to a static billboard on Hwy 41 near the “Out a Town” supper club.

Green Bay Billboard, Hwy 172

WVA is working on placing this billboard in Racine, Kenosha, Milwaukee and Madison and we still need your support in accomplishing this goal.  Keep in mind we need to keep pressure on the mayors of these cities on a long term basis to keep them honest. Visit our website and donate, and, encourage your friends relatives, neighbors and others to become members of WVA.

February 25, 2022
Another Busy Week for WVA!

First, please take time for a prayer for the people of Ukraine.

Kenosha Election Bribery Suit Filed Today (three down, 2 to go)
Today, we filed an Election Bribery suit against Kenosha Mayor Antaramian and his clerk.  This Election Bribery suit is the same suit we filed in Green Bay and Racine against their mayors and clerks, so that brings us to three of the WI-5 completed with Milwaukee and Madison to follow.  You can read the entire Kenosha Election Bribery complaint here – Kenosha Election Bribery

Gableman reporting on Tuesday, March 1
Mike Gableman’s Special Investigation report will be delivered to Assemblyman Janel Brandtjen’s Elections and Campaign Committee on Tuesday, March 1 starting at 10 A.M.  This will be broadcasted on  WVA along with Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal have conducted a private investigation parallel to Gableman’s investigation.  Kaardal on behalf of WVA will also testify at the committee hearing regarding WVA’s private investigation results.  After the hearing, Thomas More Society and Wisconsin Voters Alliance will host a press conference where Assemblyman Janel Brandtjen, WVA President Ron Heuer and Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal will answer the media’s questions.

Booking a Billboard in a Woke World
The Wisconsin Voter Alliance, with the help of donations, launched their first billboard in Green Bay on Feb 14, 2022.  We have an electronic billboard with Jones sign, and the feedback we have been getting from the Green Bay area is all positive, with new members and donations from folks we have never communicated with before.

You would think booking/reserving a billboard would be relatively easy.  I can attest to how easy it can be when you are working with a company that doesn’t set out to censure your message as in 2020 we purchased billboards in support of Trump with no difficulty at all.  That was with Jones sign company.

Lamar Advertising, on the other hand I’ve learned, is left leaning organization that will censure advertisers.  That certainly was my experience, and it was time consuming and frustrating.  When I first started to book the billboard in Green Bay, I knew which companies had the best placed boards with high traffic count.  It so happened that Lamar had two of those signs, one of which was available.  In working with the local Green Bay Lamar sales office, I presented to the salesperson the information I wanted on the board.  He checked with his local Green Bay management, and it was 100% go forward.  Then somehow, their corporate offices in Baton Rouge, LA got involved and they rejected the wording on our billboard.  This came from their Executive VP of Governmental Relations, Hal Kilshaw, “We do not post criminal accusations unless there has been a judicial determination of guilt”.

What was interesting is when I pushed hard to have Lamar GRB provide me the name of the person who made that decision, they wouldn’t give up his name, only his title, and that only after pursuing that with several emails and phone calls.  Further, Jones Outdoor company had no problem with our message and our message was also approved by Link Media Outdoor.

Why what we are doing is so important
As you are painfully aware, we have a Democrat as a Governor, and Gov Evers has vetoed the seven election integrity bills passed in March of 2021.  So that pretty much leaves the election scheme the same as it was on Nov 3, 2020.

As we have witnessed recently, in Waukesha, a Circuit Court Judge ruled the Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes were illegal, and after a bit of dancing, the WI Supreme Court has ruled they cannot be used in the April election.  It is very likely the Supreme Court will rule that these drop boxes should not be used going forward, we’ll see.

Meantime, the legislature is again taking a stance on the “Zuckerbucks” issue.  Thanks to Assemblyman Taylor August, who drafted the 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 101, we are on the way to amending the Wisconsin Constitution to block private money from being injected into our elections.  You can read 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 101 here.  THIS RESOLUTION WAS PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE LAST NIGHT.

The rules for amending the state constitution require this resolution to be passed a second time by the legislature in session.  That will occur in Jan or Feb, 2023.  Following that, the Resolution has to pass a statewide election as a referendum in April of 2023.  Once it is passed on a referendum, about 10 days later, it is recognized as an approved amendment to the WI Constitution.

You can see there is a bit of time to deal with here, and meantime, unless we, WVA can get some traction in the courts, things will be status quo.  That is why WVA has developed sample resolutions and sample ordinances that we are distributing to counties and municipalities.  We are urging municipalities and counties to pass these ordinances that will stop the flow of any private money entering election process. The Counties of Kewaunee, Walworth and Shawano have already passed resolutions encouraging their county boards to pass ordinances that stop private money from controlling our elections.

Another development, is there is a move in the City of Green Bay with certain council members working to have the city pass a similar ordinance.

WE NEED YOUR HELP!  OUR BILLBOARD CAMPAIGN FOR THE WI-5 CITIES IS EXPECTED TO COST $58,000.  WE ARE ONE-THIRD OF THE WAY THERE.  If you would like to donate to our billboard project go here – Billboard Donations, to become  become a WVA Member.

February 25, 2022
A great week for Wisconsin Voting Integrity!

Ballot Drop Boxes

On Friday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the Waukesha Circuit Court ruling banning the use of ballot drop boxes for the upcoming April election.  In a 4-3 ruling the Supreme Court allowed the ban on the lower court decision to stand.  This is a significant ruling, and although not final ruling from the Supreme Court on this matter is an indication the courts are finally willing to consider the existing laws and enforce them.

Wisconsin election law calls for absentee ballots to be dropped off at the clerk’s office or returned via mail. Many of the clerk’s offices throughout the state maintain legal monitored drop boxes at their locations.  The WVA’s investigations have uncovered ample evidence to prove the addition of the unmonitored drop boxes in the CTCL / Zuckerberg Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan to control the 2020 election was a key element in their success.

Stop Private Money from Controlling our Elections

As you may know, from following our work, this was our first initiative, and still is high on our priorities list.  It was also high on our Legislators list as they passed legislation in March of 2021 that would outlaw the flow of private money in our elections.  That legislation was immediately vetoed by Governor Evers.

Undaunted, the legislature is now working on perfecting the language in the Senate Joint Resolution 101 which would amend our State Constitution to prohibit private donations or grants to be used in Wisconsin elections.  This is a very positive approach because Governor Evers cannot stop this in as much as it is a constitutional amendment.  That’s the good news, however, this is far from completed.  First it must pass through the Legislature, then it will have to be passed as a referendum on the 2022 fall ballot. Then in Spring of 2023 when the new Legislators are seated, it can become law.  We would encourage support of this resolution.

Meantime, the WVA is working with individual counties to have their county boards to pass simple ordinances that would outlaw the infusion of private money into their counties for election purposes.  We know we won’t get all 72 counties to jump on board with this, however, if we can get 50 counties to join in, it sends a very direct message to those non-participating counties.

Election Bribery

On Monday, Feb 14th (Valentine’s Day) we are filing our Election Bribery complaint in Green Bay with the respondents being Mayor Genrich, Celestine Jefferies and former clerk, Kris Teske.  We filed a similar complaint two weeks ago in the city of Racine, and we will be following with complaints in Kenosha, Madison and Milwaukee.

This complaint deals with the issue of the CTCL / Zuckerbucks that flowed into the election of Nov 2020.  We do not want this to happen again.  You can read the entire complaint here  Green Bay Election Bribery Filing.

February 11, 2022
First WVA Billboard Going Up

Our first Wisconsin Voter Alliance billboard (digital 14’ x 48’) goes up on Monday, Feb 14th in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We hope to follow this billboard with others, just like this, in Madison, Milwaukee, Kenosha and Racine, the WI-5 cities. Our ability to do that lies with our members and friends who donate money to WVA.  We have received some good support thus far, but now it is more critical than ever for people to donate.

In order for WVA to erect these billboards in all the WI-5 cities the cost will be in excess of $58,000.  That is for a four-month campaign in each city.  If we are able to raise more than the $58,000, we will extend the campaign.

Today, Feb 11th, in Green Bay, we have filed our Green Bay Election Bribery Filing which calls out Mayor Genrich, his chief of staff and election clerk for taking the Zuckerberg money from CTCL. We filed this case in Racine two weeks ago and we will be filing in the other WI-5 cities.

Please donate today! Go to: and click on donate!

January 27, 2022
Election Bribery Complaint Filed in Racine

Today we filed an Election Bribery complaint in Racine in which respondents, Mayor Cory Mason and Clerk Tara Coolidge are named. This suit revolves around Wisconsin election law, specifically § 12.11. I have provided the links here to the Racine Election Bribery Complaint Filed 1/27/2022 the complaint and the Racine Press Release Election Bribery

January 7, 2022
Happy New Year!

We filed our appeal in five circuit courts yesterday. This appeal in the five circuit courts (Brown, Milwaukee, Dane, Kenosha and Racine counties) was our answer to the non-response we finally received in mid December from Wisconsin Election Commission.

In as much as WEC and the cities ignored the evidence and the facts of our case, our appeal to the Court requests they look at the facts of the case and to hold WEC, the Mayors and staffs of these cities accountable and responsible. It is widely known WEC made changes to the 2020 election process and had no authority to do so. The allowance of the $8.8 million of Zuckerbucks tied directly to the 21 page Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan (WSVP) and WI-5 Cities set the stage for all sorts of malfeasance in those cities. I would suggest you reread the WSVP which was signed by each of the WI-5 cities.

The more we analyzed the affects of all the Zuckerbucks sloshing around in these cities tied to the WSVP, we concluded that WI § 12.11 pertaining to election bribery was of significance in this case. Those findings are included in these appeals.

To quickly set the stage. We had complaints filed in March of 2021 in the five WI-5 Cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Kenosha, Racine and Green Bay and with WEC (all those documents can be found on our HTML clipboard documents page). The WI-5 cities responded in a reasonable time frame to our complaints, however, Wisconsin Election Commission waited until December to respond, and as anticipated, their response was pretty much a nothing to see here response. WEC’s law firm, DeWitt represented them.

Following are links to the Final Decision Docs by city along with our filed circuit court appeals:

Final Decision Madison
Dane Circuit Court (Madison) Appeal

Final Decision Racine
Racine Circuit Court Appeal

Final Decision Kenosha
Kenosha Circuit Court Appeal

Final Decision Green Bay
Brown County (Green Bay) Appeal

Final Decision Milwaukee
Milwaukee County Court Appeal